August 23rd

944 11 3

Nathan had no time to settle into the house since he had been back. he and Haley had been packing ever since he got home, so far they had managed to pack up Jamie's room and theirs as well.

"Nate we should probably start packing the kitchen it's going to take a while to pack all the China your mom bought us after the wedding." Haley yelled to Nathan who was currently showering

"What I can't hear you!" He shouted

Haley hopped off the counter and walked towards the bathroom

"I said..." Haley began to talk but suddenly stopped to take in Nathan's body that was peaking out of the shower to hear what she had to say. She noticed how the water from the shower seemed to perfectly drizzle down his abs and the way his arm clenched the shower door revealing his chiseled body. She hadn't been with Nathan in a month every time things got steamy with Nathan since he had been home Jamie cried or deb stopped by for one of her visits.

"Spit it out hales."

"Oh yes...sorry... I said we should start packing the kitchen because it's going to take a while and we have some time before Lucas and Karen drop off Jamie. " she said taking a step closer to Nathan

"I Have a better idea.." Nathan grabbed Haley's waist and pulled her closer to him as he practically fell out of the shower

"Nathan come on we don't have time the movers will be here early tomorrow and the house is still not packed up" she said in a very unconvincing tone

Nathan looked at her with his piercing blue eyes and continued to pull her closer. He reached for her shoulder and slid her bra strap down. Haley got the idea as she took her shirt off and then smiled.

"Oh Haley you look so good." He winced

Haley had been aching to hear those words so she immediately slid off her pants and jumped in the shower with Nathan

"Kiss me" she begged

He picked Haley up and leaned her against the shower wall and then forcefully kissed her as she wrapped her legs around his waist

"I missed..."

"Nathan i said kiss me." She said smiling into Nathan's mouth

He pressed his naked body closer to hers and then continued to hold her up with one hand as the other carefully unhooked her bra and gently swiped it off her body. Then he began to move down to her underwear inching them off slowly and sensually. He began to kiss her neck as she moaned he got Lower and lower...

Suddenly they heard a noise.

They continued to kiss after a brief pause

Suddenly they heard keys jangle and as they hit the counter

"Nathan are you home?" Deb called from the kitchen

Nathan lightly punched the wall behind Haley as he let her down from his hold. He held his finger to her lips

"I'm taking a shower mom!" He yelled

"Where's Haley im surprised she's not here packing." She continued to say as she walked closer

The door suddenly opened and Nathan wrapped his body around Haley's

"Did u hear what I said." She said peaking her head into the bathroom

"Mom! I'm showering ."

"Ok ok sorry." She said as she looked down on the floor only to see some of Haley's clothes scattered around the floor along with Nathan's . Deb laughed a little bit more to
herself as she left their apartment

Nathan and Haley heard the door close

Nathan raised his brow to Haley

"Nathan she's right we really should be packing." She said stepping out of the shower

Nathan admired her as she left and then turned the steamy shower to a cold instead

"Are you coming ." Haley said from outside of the shower

"Yeah I just need to cool off." He admitted

Haley laughed as she left the bathroom

One hour later...

"Nathan look at this Haley said as she pulled out a picture of them from when they first met in high school."

"You know it seems like that was like yesterday but we've changed so much since then." He recognized

"Nathan I'm so proud of us." She said coming closer to Nathan in the kitchen

"I'm scared."

"Haley scared of what." Nathan said rubbing her arm up and down slowly

"Of change...I've lived in tree hill all my life, and so have you what if when we get there it changes us." She said panicking

"Haley we could be on mars for all i care and I'd still find myself drooling over you and being completely and utterly in love with you." She said reaching down and kissed her forehead

She lifted up her head and kissed his lips slowly suddenly things got more intense as he lifted her up and placed her in the counter.

"Nathan there's all these boxes." She said motioning to the boxes of pictures on the counter

"Promise me you won't get mad."

She looked at him with a blank stare

He reached his hands behind her and pushed everything off the counter as it mad a loud noise when it his the ground

"Nathan!" She laughed

He pressed his body against hers and then leaned her on her back as he slithered on top of her.

"Finally." He whispered in her ear

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now