October 20th

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It had been a month longer into Haley's pregnancy and things were going perfectly aside from the occasional morning sickness. But besides all that Nathan had been playing so good that NBA scouts were starting to come to his games just to see if he was worthy of the way the media portrayed him, and of course he was.

Right now Nathan was at practice. He has been working his ass of in the gym giving up 20 hours of his own personal time a week just to train and condition by himself. Today was no different he was running around the cobra track when he noticed he had gone over his goal of eight miles and was now at ten

"Shit" Nathan said under his breath he realized he was late for dinner and that Haley was going to rip him a new one when he got home.

Haley had been pretty hormonal and whenever Nathan did anything wrong she made sure she yelled at him. Even if it was as small as not washing his dishes or leaving the occasional sock on the floor, she was on top of it.

Nathan decided to sprint to their apartment on campus, after all it was only right down the street. Nathan paused before opening the door to catch his breath. He exhaled the twisted the nob silently. He clenched his whole
Body waiting to be yelled at by Haley but surprisingly there was no answer. He was confused. Haley was always waiting at home for him, even if she was mad. He decided to explore the apartment. He walked towards their bedroom and over to Jamie's crib. To his surprise Jamie was laying there peacefully asleep, alone . Where was Haley? He kept asking himself. He walked to the laundry room, she wasn't there either. This doesn't make sense, Haley would never leave Jamie alone in the apartment. He then walked over to the bathroom. That's when he heard her ailment somber. Baby he thought to himself. She was crying and he didn't know why but she obviously didn't want to be found. He raised his hand gently to he door and knocked softly

"Baby, what's wrong." He asked almost whispering with the side of his face against the door

"Nothing Nathan." She said having to force the words out

"Haley I'm coming in."

"No! You can't!" She screamed

He twisted the handle softly and slowly opened the door. Oh god he thought to himself. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The first thing he was was the blood stained floor, it was puddling on the floor and then he looked to Haley who's whole lower half was covered in blood as well.

Haley screamed but this time loudly and for desperation

"Oh my god haley!" He screamed

Nathan rushed to her side and smoothed the hair in the top of her head

"Haley we have to go to the hospital."

"Come on Haley you have to get up." He kept saying

"I lost the baby!" She screamed through her tears

Haley clenched her hand onto Nathan's forearm until her knuckles turned white.

"Baby come on get up please do it for me." Nathan said sounding more worried this time

"i can't I can't!" She screamed

Nathan had no other options he rushed to the laundry room and grabbed a blanket off the shelf and picked Haley up, only to wrap her in it. He picked up up completely this time and carried her to the car. Once he set her inside she looked straight ahead with no emotion she was like a statue just sitting there. Nathan ran up the stairs to their apartment then carefully grabbed Jamie and set him in his carrier the. Brought him to the car too.

Once they got to the hospital Nathan rushed to Jamie and then brought him with him and he shouted up and down the hallways until someone listened

"Sir what's wrong?" A young woman asked from her desk

"My wife she had a miss— blood everywhere." He said out of breath

"Ok sir I'm going to need you to stay calm."

"You know how many times ive heard that line ? I will not stay calm!" He screamed

"Where is she, where's your wife?"

"She's in the car I'll show you."

Nathan ran to the car with the woman trailing behind him, now with a wheelchair in her hands

When Nathan got to the car Haley hadn't moved one inch

"Come on Baby this woman is going to help you." Nathan said grabbing her once more and setting her in the wheelchair

Why us? Nathan thought to himself as he watched the lady push Haley into the hospital. He looked at Jamie who was in his arms now. He kissed his forehead and then proceeded to follow Haley into the hospital.

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now