November 7th

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Weeks had passed and Haley hadn't changed. She still remained in her bed legs curled to her chest sitting back against the head board staring straight at the wall in front of her. She stayed like this for hours. Nathan has no idea what to do. He tried to talk to her but she stayed facing the wall and didn't speak one syllable to him. She was completely silenced, and Nathan was running out of ideas on what to do. This time he had the perfect plan. He made Haley her favorite, ego waffles with three strips of bacon shaped into a smiley face. He walked into their bedroom with her breakfast and stood beside the bed.

"Hales... I made you some food." He said stuttering in between.


Nathan waited for a few seconds but she didn't acknowledge him.

He finally walked away but came to a stop when her heard her

"What do you expect Nathan. You think I'm just going to get better but I'm not. You think this will pass but it's forever." She said finally speaking

"Baby it will get better." Nathan said

"Yeah well Nathan your promises suck!" Haley screamed starting to get choked up. She got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom that was right next to her

Nathan followed her but when he got to the door it was slammed in his face. He clenched his fist as a sign of disappointment and hit he door lightly.

In the other side he could hear Haley bawling and there was nothing her could do. Haley hated him. She hated him and he didn't know why

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now