November 9th

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Nathan was watching Haley from a far. He was getting annoyed that she wasn't getting up to do anything, but he didn't know how to approach the situation.

"Hales lets go out, let's go do something." He said grabbing her hand to try and pull her up from the couch.

"Nathan stop." She said pulling her arm back down

"Haley come on you have been sitting there forever let's go out."

"You think I want to go out After what happened to me Nathan?!" She said getting up from the couch.

"Haley it's been weeks."

"You think it takes weeks Nathan? This is forever. This was my baby."

"Our Baby." Nathan mumbled

"What?!" Haley said in disbelief

"You act like this just happened to you, but that was our baby that was my child that died too. Your not the only one that feels like shit all the time haley and I'm sick of feeling sorry for you. It was my child too." Nathan ranted back to her

Haley stood there in disbelief as a single tear dropped down her cheek.

Nathan tried to wipe it away but haley swatted his hand

"I hate you." She said intensely

Haley bolted to their bedroom and slammed the bathroom door and locked it because she knew that Nathan would try to follow her. The funny part what that this time he didn't. This time he left he need to cool off

As Nathan was on his walk he just kept thinking about the baby he could of had. Maybe she would of been a daddies girl who Nathan spoiled with every opportunity. Or maybe he would of had a son who would have to same passion for basketball as he did. Nathan shook his head and tried to escape these recurring thoughts. It was pointless to think like this. He knew that Haley was all that mattered right now but he just needed a break from her and all her mood swings because she was making Nathan become more depressed as the days went on. Once Nathan gathered back his pride and swallowed his tears once more he decided to heard back towards the house. He opened the door and heard a sniffling noise coming from their bedroom. When he approached the door he opened it just a sliver and observed haley fading the opposite direction with her head in the palm of her hands. He hated seeing her like this.

He moved slowly towards her and placed his hands on her shoulder and leaned in towards her

"You don't still hate me do you?" She smiled saying into her ear

"No" She said through her tears

"Baby I know this is hard but we have to move on we still have each other and I promise she. Both of us are ready again we will try again." Nathan informed her

"I know I just feel like I failed you."

"Oh baby you could never fail me."

"But it's my body that lost the baby."

"Haley it's completely normal this happens to a lot of woman." Nathan said kissing her ear softly then her forehead

"Come her come lay down with me." Nathan said as they leaned back on their bed

Both of them fell asleep that night dreaming of their late child and the life they could
Of had. But now the feeling of grief was over and they could go back to their normal lives feeling at least a little bit better knowing that they were happy together.

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