August 24th

848 10 2

Haley woke up on the floor with Nathan, they were both completely naked underneath a blanket. She noticed a note laying on the floor right in front of her face.

Whoever wakes up first,

You and Nathan were both fast asleep when I got here so I decided to just keep Jamie for the night I also packed up most of your guys room and Jamie's while I was here. It was no problem I just wanted to help you while you were still here.


Haley smiled to herself and got up to get dressed. She was in awe that karen managed to pack their whole room just leaving the furniture to be picked up and the same thing goes for Jamie's room. Haley grabbed her clothes from her suitcase and then put her make up on in the bathroom as she was applying her blush a tall lean figure approached her and leaned against the doorway. He had the blanket wrapped around his waist and was rubbing his eyes.

"You know what I always say hales. You never need makeup." He said smiling and then wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head to perfectly in between her shoulder and neck.

Haley turned around and layed her head in his chest "I'm really going to miss this apartment we have so many memories here" she said starting to tear up

"I know baby, but we can make new memories in our new apartment." He leaned down to kiss the top of her head

Ding dong

"That must be karen ill let her in your clothes are in that navy suitcase can you get Jamie's clothes all ready too?"

"Yes" he said

Haley opened the door and revealed karen standing in the door way with Jamie who was still asleep

"Sorry he's just so sleepy" karen said handing him off the Haley

"Karen how can I ever thank you for how much you have helped my family." Haley said tearing up

"Oh Haley you can repay me by coming to visit me in tree hill every once in a while." Karen said hugging Haley

"Oh no have the tears already started?" Nathan said emerging dressed from their bedroom

"Yes" Haley said tearing up even more

Nathan grabbed Jamie and dressed him on the counter karen and Haley spent the next ten minuets talking and crying before karen left to go to work at the cafe. They all said goodbye to each other knowing that they would see each other soon .

One hour later...

They movers were almost done packing up the truck. Haley and Nathan were loading up their car with things they needed to have with them. Suddenly a mover approached them

"That was the last box y'all can check the house to see if we missed anything."

"I'll go" Haley said

She approached the house slowly and suffers through the living room and kitchen there was nothing in sight or in drawers and cabinets. She walked into their bedroom and opened the closet and saw her charm bracelet that Nathan got her on their first date out of a Cracker Jack box. Suddenly Haley had a flashback

She set the bracelet on the table in the hallway hoping it would eventually find its way back to her after the tour she knew she didn't really care about ever seeing the bracelet the only thing she wanted to find its way back to her was Nathan. Nathan was the love of her life and they were endgame, but right now she had to figure out who she was outside of this relationship. She knew in her heart this was the right thing. Her heart ached when she took off the charm bracelet and she collapsed to the ground and tears streamed down her face she got up a few moments later and walked out the door...

Haley shook the memory off and then continued to walk through the house she looked into Jamie's room and was reminded of the first time they brought Jamie home from the hospital.

"Haley don't walk so fast with him you might drop him."

"Nathan he's fine."

They all walked together to Jamie's room and smiled when they saw what Peyton had pained on the wall she had pained a Muriel of all of them together, Nathan holding a basketball and Haley holding a microphone.

"All right little man it's time for a nap." Nathan said grabbing him from Haley to put in his crib.

Haley had never seen Nathan move so slow it seemed like Nathan was moving at an impossible pace for himself.

"Nathan relax he's a baby not elderly." Haley joked

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous I've never held a baby before this one."

"Nathan your doing fine and your going to be a great dad." Haley said putting a hand on her shoulder

"I love our little family." Nathan said kissing her cheek

"I can't wait till we have more." He continued

"Slow down slugger we have a lot of time before that happens." Haley joked

Nathan smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her side as both of them watched Jamie sleep so soundly. They both were in love again.

Haley smiled as she left the house with those memories both good and bad, because they mattered to her with out them she wouldn't be were she was today

Nathan watched as Haley's small figure emerged from the house. She smiled at him and he smiled back they both knew what they were both thinking "i love you"

"You ready?" Nathan said setting the last box in the car

"Now I am."

"Ok let's get going then he said kissing her one last time in the apartment parking lot and they finally left. A couple minuets later they passed a sign that read you are now leaving tree hill
Nathan looked to his side at Haley and took one hand of the wheel and placed it on hers

"It's time for a new adventure" he said smiling and looking straight ahead

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now