August 12th

851 11 3

"Good morning Haley" Karen said from being the counter of the cafe

"Morning" she said approaching her with Jamie in her arms

"So what can I get you."

"Actually is here to give you something... my two weeks notice." She said sadly

"Awe Haley you know things just won't be the same with out you around here."

"Thanks karen but you have lily now and you should be traveling like you said you wanted to." Haley said

"I know and guess what?"

"We are leaving in two weeks too." Karen said smiling

"Karen I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Haley, looks like both of us will be starting a new chapter of our lives." Karen said


"So are you worried?" Karen asked

"You know I was at first. I mean I really was. I didn't want to move to Maryland but now that I feel what it's like to be this far away from Nathan and doing everything on my own I'm just happy to be where he is."

"I'm happy for you"


"And I'm happy you will be with Lucas so you can keep an eye on him" karen said sternly

"Already ahead of you" she said walking out of the cafe

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now