June 30th

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"Hales what are we gonna do about college, no one will let me play and we can't afford for both of us to go." Nathan said in a worried voice

"Nathan remember when I first told you I was pregnant?"

Nathan stared at her with his dopey puppy dog look that Haley found to be incredibly sexy

"Well I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me. Everything is going to be okay, and I love you and I promise you we will make this decision together." Haley said resting her hand on his shoulder

Nathan grabbed Hayley's hands and pressed his lips against it.

" I love you you know that?" He responded

Nathan slowly leaned in for a kiss and when their lips touched it was instantly like the first time they had every kissed all over again a fuzzy feeling crept all through out their bodies and a love that couldn't be stopped only grew stronger. Nathan leaned in more, eventually leading to Haley pulling him of her on the couch they layer the on the couch, Nathan on top of Haley in a passionate make out session, Haley ripped on Nathan's shirt when suddenly the door swung open and they immediately got up and Nathan put his shirt back on.

"Sorry did I interrupt  something ?" Lucas said as he came inside

"No I was just looking ....at that thing ....that Nathan ....had on his back"

"Oh yeah that thing." Nathan said agreeing with her

"Ok well I was just picking up my wallet that i left here, carry on" Lucas said as he was closing the door

"Haley he has to go"

" I knowwwww" Haley said in a whiny voice


Lucas was inside on the couch watching tv and Haley and Nathan were in their room watching tv as well, Jamie was at debs house for the night.

"Haley you know that I'd Lucas wasn't here right now we could be having sex everywhere in the apartment?" Nathan bluntly said


"I'm just saying" he said holding up his arms

"There's no crying baby , and no Little baby eyes to watch us or having to be quiet when we do it." Nathan continued

"Well we can still do that tonight". Haley added

"Have loud sex?" Nathan asked sounding more interested

"No, the other one" she added

"Oh... Ok!" Nathan said rolling on top of Haley

Suddenly the door swung open

"Haley I just wanted to let you know that the washing machine is all yours." Lucas said before shutting the door

Nathan glared at Haley

"Ill do it" he said getting up

"Nathan wait"

Nathan ignored Haley and left their room to go talk to Lucas

Nathan saw Lucas was still sitting on the couch as he approached him and sat down

"Hey can we talk" Nathan asked

"Yeah" Lucas scooted over

"You know that you are welcome here whenever, but Lucas it's been a week man, I know that p...she broke your heart but you'll move eventually, but just not here."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked

"I mean that Haley is really stressed out with the baby and we still have to make major life choices and having you here really adds to that stress , not to mention our sex life."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry" Lucas said standing up and scratching his head

"Look you can still spend the night tonight if you want it's jus yeah gotta be gone in the morning " Nate said

"No no it's fine I'll just leave." Lucas said as he gathered his things

A couple minutes later Nathan walked back to Haley in the room

"Well?" She asked

"He's gone" Nathan smiled as he ran over to Haley and lifted her up off the bed and Carried her out to the kitchen

"Nathan!" She playfully screamed

He set her on the counter and then immediately kissed her neck aggressively 

"Nathan wait shouldn't we talk about college and all tha..." Nathan kissed her

"Haley everything's going to be ok" he said repeating what she said earlier in the day as a joke

She lifted up his head and smiled at him before kissing him back

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