December 15th

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The days for Haley passed by slowly, but now they were filled with laughs and no longer self pity and wallowing. She knew she had a purpose in life and that purpose was to be a mother for Jamie and a wife to Nathan. This time she was doing things differently, her and Nathan still mourned the loss of their unborn child at night occasionally, but Haley was not letting it dictate their conversations and her emotions. Now she was pre paring for Christmas with her family mad friemds. Brooke was flying in from New York , and even Lucas and Peyton were coming over too. Haley was more than excited but nothing was more exciting for her than the fact that her parents were coming over too, along with her brother Ryan. The thought of this alone was enough to make her smile, finally.

Haley was chopping some vegetables in the kitchen of hers and Nathan's apartment on campus.

"Haley why are you cooking so much food? I know I eat a lot but this is--"

"It's for dinner on Thursday when everyone flies in, I just wanted to do something nice for everyone." She explained

"Haley didn't keen say she would cook since its at her house?"

"I know but I wanted to do something nice since she is hosting everyone."

"Ok" Nathan said grabbing a piece of celery and taking a huge bite

For a minuet he seem pleased with the taste then the corners of his mouth dropped down in a look of disgust as he bolted to the garbage can and spit it out.

"Yup I still don't like celery"

"HA HA." She ska sarcastically to mock him

"Hey so I have a question for you" Nathan pushed out

"Shoot" Haley said as she continued to chop

"I was thinking, you know we haven't had a night out in a while and maybe while Lucas and everyone's here one of them could watch him while we go out."

"Nathan. I doubt they will want to watch a baby at night"

"Haley who wouldn't want to watch that baby. I mean come on her looks just like his dad." He said raising his brow in a flirtatious way

"I don't know."

"Say yes." He said in a soothing voice that craved for her to give in to his desire.


"You say the sweetest things to me Haley James."

"Whatever just go to practice." She laughed

"Ok but remember sometime next week after our date you'll be begging for me."

"Uh yeah."

Nathan left their apartment and Haley set down her chopping knife they let out a huge sigh of relief. The truth was her and Nathan hadn't had sex since the miscarriage and believe me Nathan tried and tried but Haley was too afraid and alway made excuses. The first couple of times in was her period then that became too obvious so she decided to get more elaborate and say she was tired or she heard Jamie crying in his room. Haley was scared that she would get pregnant again. She knew it seemed irrational due to the fact that she could stop it from happening with birth control, but last time they were on birth control and Haley still got pregnant. The thought of another miscarriage was too much for her to bear and she wouldn't be able to survive if it happened again. 

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