June 29th

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It had been about a week since Peyton had left and Lucas and things hadn't gotten any better Lucas was still staying with Nathan and Haley and even when Lucas or anyone else tried to call Peyton she didn't answer. Nathan was getting irritated he understood the difficult time that Lucas was going through but Haley just had the baby and now she had to take care of Lucas too. Every time Nathan thought up asking him to leave Haley said no and that it was fine. But it wasn't fine he could tell that she was at least some what annoyed

"Jamie baby you are my baby your so cute I could eat you up ." Haley singed as she picked up Jamie from the crib

Nathan was leaned against the opening of the door as he admired her silliness and beauty from a far

"God Nathan you scared me" Haley said practically jumping in the air

"I'm sorry" Nathan said with pouty lips as he walked towards her.

It's okayyyyyy" she said kissing him with Jamie in her arms

"Here I'll get him dressed" Nathan said trying to help her

"Hmmmm what the occasion Nathan Scott." Haley said unsure if his motives

"Nothing just trying to help out." He said smiling

"All right I'm going to hop in the shower since your going to get him ready and make sure you..."

"Feed him the sweet potatoes because he does not like the green peas" Nathan said continuing her sentence

"Ok" she said kissing Nathan one more time before leaving

"Looks like it's just us two this morning. "

Nathan dressed Jamie up in a onesie with basketballs all over it and fed him some breakfast and he left him in his high chair. Nathan decided to pack Haley and himself a lunch to help her even more. Haley rushed out of their room dressed but with wet hair

"Why is your hair still wet?" He asked her

" I have to make the lunches"

"I already made them"

Haley smiled happily   and then went back into the room to blow dry her hair

When Haley came back out again she noticed Lucas still asleep on the couch

"Let's just go to school" she said deciding to ignore Lucas and his mopey ways

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