August 25th

828 9 3

Last night Haley and Nathan had only been on the road for two hours when their car broke down, Nathan figured that eventually their 500 dollar car would cause them problems. They decided to stay in a hotel over night and just ship their stuff to their new apartment and just fly the rest of the way to Maryland. Nathan was worried they wouldn't be back in time for his endless practices that await for him at college. The only thing Haley was worried about was Jamie and what their new apartment would look like, what kind of date are was their for Jamie while Haley went to her classes. Each one of them went to bed with these worries on their minds and they next day they woke up and only lingered on even more.

"Hales you ready our plane leaves at eleven." Nathan said with all of their bags in his hands waiting by the hotel door.

"Yeah can I just have my shirt from the..."Haley said walking out of bathroom shirtless to a wide open hotel door and people walking by staring at her

"Nathan shut the door!" She said shyly as she ran up to it to close it herself

"Sorry I just really think we need to leave right now." Nathan said sounding frustrated

"Relax it's only 9 out plane leaves in two hours." Haley said putting a shirt on

"Jamie hasn't even ate yet." She continued

"I already fed him when he woke up, there was extra milk in the hotel fridge you already pumped." He explained

"Ok let's go then." She said rolling her eyes

"Haley I'm..."

"Let's just go." She said cutting him off

Two hours later they were already boarding their plane it seemed like they were ignoring each other the whole time they were waiting to board the plane.

"I'll hold him." Nathan said trying to grab Jamie from Haley to set on his lap

"No it's fine." She said grabbing him back Jamie immediately started crying in Haley's arms and as soon as Nathan grabbed him again to set in his lap he stopped crying

"Unbelievable." She scoffed

"What can I say, now theirs two people who find my charms irresistible." He smirked

"Haha." She said with a sarcastic tone

"Oh cmon you love it." He said joking with her

"Well I guess for some reason I did marry you." She said leaning her head on his shoulder

"Hey I'm sorry for today I know my frustrations have been rubbing off on you."

"Nathan it's not just you I've been frustrated too."

"Haley I promise it will be fine."

"I know it's just going to take me a long time to see that what your saying is true."

"Ok just know I love you." Nathan said staring down at her

"I know." She laughed

"Who wouldn't?" She joked even more

An hour and a half later

"Hello ladies and gentle man the plan will now be landing please keep your seat belts on until further notice." The flight attendant informed them over the intercom

After another twenty minuets Nathan and Haley left the plane with Jamie and grabbed their bags before taking a cab to their future life

"Look Jamie their it is." Nathan said to Jamie who was still tired from the plane ride over

"Ok so it says we should go look pick up our schedules first and then go look at the date care and check into our 'marital housing'" Haley joked using air quotes

"All right wife lefts go do that." He said stepping out of the taxi and grabbing Haley's back, his, and Jamie."

"Ok I think it's this way." Haley said

Once they arrived to the office they picked up their schedules and were directed to the housing offices

"Hi I'm Nathan Scott and this is my wife Haley." Nathan said approaching the front desk

"Hello Nathan how can I help you." The brunette lady said to Nathan from her office desk

"We were wondering  if we could have the keys to our apartment."

"Oh yes let's see... ok here are your keys you seem to be in the marital housing...this is unusual for a freshman at college."

"We know." Nathan said shortly

"Ok well here you go... your in apartment 23."
She said handing him the keys

Haley laughed to herself knowing the significance of 23

A few moments later they were standing in front of their new apartment.

"Ok." Nathan said opening the door

When they first opened the door they saw thief kitchen and living room all in one glance but it wasn't too small to their left their was the kitchen which was pained green with brown cabinets and brown counter tops. Then on the right was a small living room with a couch and a tv. As they walked straight ahead they were in their hallway one of the rooms was obviously theirs because it had the only bath room in it which was so small that they weren't sure if two people could fit in it. Then they saw Jamie's room it was perfect in size. Then at the end of the hallway their was just a bare washer and dryer.

"Well it's not as big as our old apartment but it will do." Haley said setting Jamie down on the couch

"What should we do now." Nathan said grabbing Jamie and holding him in one arm so they could both see Haley

"We should probably go check out the day care." Haley said

A few minuets late they were at the dare care and were talking to a petite blonde girl who was obviously a student their, she was smiling a flirting with Nathan as soon as they walked in . Haley thought to herself  is this what it was going to be like in college? Always worrying about what Nathan was doing and constantly flirting wth him every chance they got.

"So mr big shot it seems to show here that you are on an athletic scholarship, what sport do you play ?" She said twirling her hair

"You know athletics aren't nearly as cool as being here on an academic scholarship like my wife Haley." He said pulling Haley to his side

"Oh this is you wife?" She said suddenly feeling stupid


"Ok so it seems like Jamie's daycare is already payed for due to both you scholarships so I guess all I really need to do is explain how this works."

Haley looked over at Nathan who had his arm wrapped around her waist she grabbed his hand and looked as eyes and smiled suddenly all of her worries rushed away

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