December 21st

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"Haley can you pass the asparagus" Brooke whined

"No response"

"Earth the Haley" Brooke shouted

"Oh sorry— asparagus." Haley said reassuring herself as she passed the food over to Brooke who was sitting across from her at the table

Lucas looked over to Nathan for an answer as to why Haley was acting so absent at dinner. Unfortunately Nathan didn't have one so he had no other option but to shrug at his brother.

"Haley it was so nice of you to cook us all dinner." Karen said smiling at her and grabbing her hand that was lying on the table

"It was no problem. Really. It reminded me of working In the cafe because I used all of your recipes Karen."

"Oh haley I love that." Karen said giving Haley a reassuring squeeze of her hand

"Well there's dessert too." Haley said standing up from her chair

"Yeah let me help you haley." Lucas said standing up

Nathan stood up too and shoved Lucas back down into his chair.

"No let me." He said looking down at his confused brother. But Lucas knew this was between them so he let Nathan get away with this one.

Haley didn't answer she just walked to the kitchen and Nathan followed

"Ok real talk what's going on with tutor girl and Nate." Brooke whispered

"Yeah what's wrong Lucas?" Peyton asked knowing that he might have an answer

"Are they having marital problems?" Karen asked

"I don't know neither one of them said anything was wrong ." Lucas said shrugging like his brother did moments before

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"Haley that was so good." Nathan said eating an extra bread roll that was sitting on the counter

"Thanks." Haley said dryly

"No I mean it, it might be the best thing you've cooked." He smiled trying to get her to do the same, but she avoided eye contact and she grabbed the pie off the counter trying to make her way back to the kitchen

Nathan grabbed her shoulder to stop her from walking any further

"Hey." He whispered

"Nathan come on we have to get back."

"Wait a minuet." He said trying to lean in for a kiss.

Haley wanted that kiss so badly. So badly in fact that she had been waiting for it all night. He complimented her on everything she made and smiled at her with that irresistible grin that made her whole body collapse at a single glance of it. Just as his lips were about to connect with hers she turned around and continued walking towards the kitchen. Nathan slammed his fist into the countertop when he noticed haley was out of sight.

"Here they come." Brooke whispered when she saw haley

"I made Apple pie." Haley said pulling on a fake smile

"Yum." Brooke smiled

"So when's jimmy getting here." Karen smiled

"My family doesn't get here till Christmas Eve but this year all of them couldn't make it so it's only my mom Dad and my brother Ryan."

"Now remind me is Ryan the youngest of oldest of your brothers." Karen asked

"He's the youngest he's only a year and a half older than me." She answered sitting down where she once did before

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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