August 21st

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Nathan couldn't wait to see Jamie he was so worried that he had missed mile stones in Jamie's early life and he didn't want to be an absent parent. He was so happy that they would all be together now and live life the way it was supposed to be lived... together.

Haley was dying with anticipation she hadn't spelt the whole month he was gone, how could she? Without Nathan there she was constantly worried that something would happen and that there was no one there to protect her. Jamie didn't make it much better he was constantly crying and Haley was convinced that it was because he missed Nathan even though everyone called her crazy for thinking that way.

Haley was on her way to the airport thinking about what Nathan would look like, would his hair different? Would he be wearing his basketball clothes that Haley sound so sexy? Or would he be dressed up to meet his wife at the airport? Would his lip quiver as he saw her smile from the airport gate? Haley couldn't wait any longer it had been too long since Haley saw Nathan and she Missed him more than anyone could ever know.

Nathan was sitting on the airplane on his way home, he was supposed to be reading the play book learning all the new plays but he found his mind to be clustered with thoughts of Haley and Jamie waiting for him when he got off the plane. It had been forever since he'd seen them and his mind couldn't stop wandering.

Once Haley arrived parked the car close by and attempted to take Jamie out of his car seat. She was having a hard time unlatching the car seat from the seat in the car, so she decided to just carry Jamie in her arms, she didn't want to be late picking up Nathan.

"Attention all passengers the plan will now be landing" the flight attendant said over the intercom in the plane

Nathan's heart skipped a beat when he heard those words he couldn't wait to be out of the plan and on the same ground that Haley was walking on.

Haley speed walked into the airport.

"I'm sorry ms. But you can't go beyond this gate without a ticket." Some lady said

"No no please."

"I'm sorry"

"Listen lady I haven't seen my husband in a month and I haven't slept in a month either so either you allow me to go wait for my husband at his gate or I'll allow myself."

"Very well." The lady said motioning for her to head to Nathan

Nathan gathered his things off the plane and began to walk off the plane . He had to walk through a hallway which seemed like a life time for him, he knew that as soon as he got off the plane he would be greeted by Haley.

Haley had to push through a crowd of people waiting to get onto the next plane. She pushed and pushed until finally she saw him

Nathan turned a corner and saw a crowd of people when he exited but he didn't see Haley anywhere he looked to his left and right and she wasn't there either he was beginning to get worried. Until suddenly he saw her emerge from a crowd of people

Haley noticed Nathan's appearance, he was wearing those jeans that she loved on him that fit him so perfectly and a blue athletic shirt that brought out his crystal eyes. She also noticed his slightly longer hair, that she loved

He noticed her. He noticed her small figure in the green dress she was wearing other than her outfit she looked the same and Nathan was glad to see that nothing had changed. He noticed Jamie too, his hair was slightly longer and his face was even more chubbier. His lips quivered into a half crooked smile as he approached Haley

"God i missed you" he said placing his hands on her shoulders

"I missed you too now shut up and kiss me." She joked

"Okay" he groaned as he bent down to reach her height.

His lips hovered over her for a Monet before Haley stood up on her tip toes to close the gap and create a kiss of the most passion. As her lips touched his their hunger and thirst for eachother was fulfilled they stayed there with their lips locked for god only know how long before Nathan pulled away

"Mmmm" he said smiling at her with satisfaction

He bent down even further to kiss Jamie on the forehead before grabbing Haley's hand and continuing toward the exit of the airport

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now