September 15th

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Haley was very nervous to see all of her friends again. For some reason all of her friends insisted on coming up to Maryland to spend some time with Nathan and Jamie in the apartment. Haley was excited but overwhelmed, how were they going to fit this many people in their little apartment? Haley started to panic. She was running all around their apartment cleaning and setting everything up while Nathan was at practice and picking up Jamie from the school daycare. She couldn't believe how big Jamie was getting, he was after all Nathan's son so she knew that would happen but she didn't think it would happen so soon. He was starting to get that chubby baby body and she loved it but she knew he'd grow out of it soon enough. She was running around their apartment when suddenly she crashed into something huge. He body repelled off of it and she lost her footing and tumbled to the ground.

"Geez Haley where you going." Nathan said lowering himself to the ground where Haley still was

"I've just been cleaning."

"I'll bet the silverware is very clean." He joked

This was Haley stress relief. She always cleaning the silverware until you could see your own reflection in it. Nathan didn't know why Haley always did this but it made him laugh every time.

"No." She scoffed "ok maybe." She said shaking her head in disappointment looking at the ground

"Hey where's Jamie you were-" Nathan raised a finger to her lip

"I know I just wanted to drop off all my stuff then i was going to go get him don't worry hales." He said kissing her forehead and then standing up. He lowered his hands in front of her face to help her up.

Once he pulled her up they were face to face

"Haley I know your stressed that everyone is coming over but I promise it will be fine. They just want to see us and I'm sure you want to see them." He insisted

"Yeah I know I just want it to be perfect." She cried a little

"Haley what's really wrong? Why are you acting all moody and-"

"No?" He questioned in disbelief

"What if i-" Haley said before Nathan cut her off

"Do you think you are?" He said grabbing her waist to pull her closer

"I haven't took a test yet but I'm pretty sure I am." She said looking at the ground


"This wasn't supposed to happen we were supposed to be out of college, you were going to be in he NBA." She said tearing up in front of an elated Nathan

"Haley I'm happy I promise, and so what we didn't wait five years ? It will all be okay I promise." He said connecting his hips with hers

"Can we wait though? I don't want to tell anyone I want to wait a while before we know it's real."

"Yes hales we can." He said bending down to kiss her hairline.

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