July 16th

990 13 5

It was Saturday night, and Karen, deb, Lucas, Haley, Nathan, and Jamie were all at Karen's house for their weekly dinners. They were all talking about basketball when suddenly ...

"Ok I can't take this anymore." Lucas said standing up

Everyone looked at him with confused faces

"Whitey got offered to be a college coach for the Maryland, and he wants me to be his assistant coach."

"Lucas that's great" karen said standing up

"No wait mom there's more... he signed his contract to day which means he can officially recruit new players ...Nathan we want you to come play for us." Lucas said looking right at

Nathan couldn't believe what he was hearing, was he really about to become a college basketball player, could he still make the NBA ? These questions all rushed into his train of thought.

"Yes! Of course! This is so awesome!" Nathan said walking over to Lucas and giving him a hug

Haley started crying

"Haley what's wrong?" Deb said bringing her into her arms

"Nothing I'm just so happy." Haley said wiping her tears away and smiling

"Awe come here" Nathan said grabbing her from deb and hugging her.

Nathan reached down and grapes Jamie from his high chair

"Jamie daddy is going to play basketball" he said while kissing his forehead

"We are going to be okay." Nathan whispered to Haley as everyone was celebrating around them

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now