August 8th

877 11 2

It had been almost two weeks since Nathan left for training camp in Maryland and Haley was surfing on her own. The first week was easier than the second because she still had Lucas here but now that he was gone too, she found herself having conversations with her baby. Every time she called Nathan or Lucas their phones would either be dead or they'd be too busy and wouldn't pick up.

"Ugh Jamie daddy was supposed to call us 10 minuets ago but he never did." She said out loud

He looked at her with a blank expression

"One more week Jamie then your dad will be here, he's a bit more funny." She laughed

The phone rang

Haley ran to the phone practically out of breath and answered as fast as she could


"Wrong scott." Lucas said on the other line

"Oh" she said dissatisfied

"Geez Haley I thought you might be a little more excited to hear from me." He joked

"No no I am how is it down there?" She asked

"Good, I think you and Jamie will really like it down here, there is a little club kind of like tric, and a cute pastry cafe that you'll love." He went on for five minuets about how great it was down there

"Im sure we will." She smiled

Suddenly the phone rang again and it was Nathan on the other line

"Um Lucas I have to go Nathan is on the other line, but I'll see you soon right?"

" yeah I'll be back in a week"

"Ok bye" she said hanging up

"Haley?" Nathan asked from the other line

"HI I MISS YOU" she yelled

"Ow Haley, your going to make me def"

"Oh sorry I guess I'm just a little excited to hear your voice." She giggled

Nathan laughed too

"So Liston I'll be back in about a week and I think we should start packing because I'll have to be back later that week for the start of the season." He reminded her

"I'll start packing now." She said with enthusiasm

"So how's my boy?"

"He's great he still hasn't laughed yet the doctor said he should be laughing." She ranted

"Haley he's probably just a late bloomer he'll catch up soon."

"Ok... You know it gets pretty lonely in this big bed all by myself."

"Oh do you miss me ?"  He asked playing along

"No I'm just worried now because with you here a robber would attack you first but now that your gone I'm going to be the first to go.",she joked

"You say the sweetest things to me Haley James Scott." He said sarcastically

"Ok but being serious I really do miss you, and I can't wait to see you."

"Its only a week" he reminded her

"A week too long." She whined

"Look I promise when I get back I'm going to take you out on a fancy date, just like we used to do before James." He reassured her

"Ok well look I have to go to night practice I'll call you tomorrow."

"Ok I love you"

"Love you too beautiful , good night." He said hanging up

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