July 23rd

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"Awe Jamie it's time to go shopping your getting so big" Haley said picking him up from his crib

"Let's go wake up daddy so he can go with us"

Haley walked back with Jamie in her arms back to her bedroom. She watched Nathan from the doorway in the bedroom and her heart was so complete

"You see your dad Jamie, he's a good man it may of took him a while to get there but he is and you know what he's going to make it to the NBA, I really believe that" she said whispering to him

Haley moved Jamie in the air like an airplane

"Bzzzzzzzz... here comes Jamie in for a landing on daddy " she said flying him in the air

"Oh no" Nathan laughed groggily

"Here he comes!" She yelled handing him off to Nathan

"Awe little man why are you up so early?"

"Why are you up so late" Haley joked

" Morning baby" Nathan said smiling and kissing Haley quickly

"Will you be ready in twenty minuets?"

"Yeah I just need to shower" Nathan answered while still playing with Jamie


"Why don't you join me in the shower" Nathan flirted

"Because I woke up early and already showered" haley said sarcastically as she left the room

"Your mom thinks she's so funny" Nathan said to Jamie

Later that day...

The phone started to ring ...

"Yeah ...mhm this is Nathan"

Haley stopped cooking at looked at Nathan who was deep in thought

"Yes. Thank you for telling me"

"Ok see you soon"

"Who was that?" Haley asked

"That was the manager of the cobras"

"Oh yay!" Haley smiled

"No, not yay I have to go to a training camp in Maryland"

"Well that's exciting" Haley laughed as she walked over to Nathan

"Hales... they want me to leave tomorrow" he said not meeting her eyes

She grabbed his chin and pulled it down to her eye level

"Nathan Scott you have worked too hard for this to just let this one thing ruin it for you" she said sternly


"No buts your going to that training camp I don't care if I have to sell a kidney"

"But Jamie"

"Stop" she whipered meeting him for a kiss

"I'm just really going to miss you guys"

"I know baby but it's only going to be a month and we will make it work we can have phone calls and emails"

"But what about after?"

"I will attend the university of Maryland with you and we can rent an apartment on campus"

"Are you sure it's always been your dream to go to Stanford"

"Nathan this is my dream, to be with you and Jamie." She smiled


"Ok" she said reassuring him

Naley & The Four Years MissedWhere stories live. Discover now