September 5th

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Things have been going well for Haley and Nathan he was striving in the basketball team with Lucas and whitey as the coaches and Haley was maintaining her perfect GPA even as a teen mom. Jamie was adjusting to life in Maryland but he frequently had outbursts every so often that frustrated Haley to the point of giving up and leaving him at the day care while he was crying so that way she didn't have to deal with him.

She was at Nathan's first game as a cobra and they were doing well they were winning and he was making every shot he took and he knew he was a superstar too

Haley noticed how well this team worked together and how happy Nathan looked she knew that he was going to accomplish his dream and make it all the way to the NBA it was only a matter of time

After the game was over Haley made her way to Nathan with Jamie in her arms to congratulate Nathan on his win. He walked over to them casually and kissed her forehead and patted Jamie's bald head.

" nice game superstar."

"Thanks baby." He smirked

A few hours later Haley was sitting on their bed cuddled up to Nathan as they watched tv

"I think it's time for a change." Haley said siting up

"What? I like this movie."

"No no not that, I think I'm going to dye my hair." Haley said proudly


"Oh?" She questioned

"It's nothing I just like the blonde." Nathan said grabbing a strand

"Well pretty soon it will be gone I have an appointment in two hours ." She continued

A few hours later...

Haley loved her new hair it was dark brown and came up to her Upper back. It was different for Haley but she loved it she just hoped that Nathan would too. Haley walked up to their apartment and unlocked the door when she walked in Nathan was cuddled up with Jamie in their bed and they were both asleep. She walked over to Nathan and kissed his forehead and he immediately began to flutter his eyes and stare at her his eyes widened as he took in his wife's new appearance

"You hate it." She said looking down


"Haley I love it."

"Really you aren't just saying that?"

"No I'm serious it's very sexy." He said grabbing her hand and pulling her into bed with him and Jamie

"Very very sexy he continued." As he wrapped his arm around her and she leaned into his chest

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