July 5th

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it was the beginning of July and everyone was trying to figure out what would be happening in their lives and what they should do. No one had heard from Peyton in nearly two weeks and they were starting to get worried. Lucas was still heart broken but was starting to get back to his usual self. Nathan and Haley were still deciding what to do with their lives after high school. Brooke was still dreaming of being a designer and a house hold brand. Brooke, Lucas, Haley and Nathan were all sitting at a booth in Karen's cafe to hangout since they have all been so busy with their lives and too busy for anyone else lately. 

"so where is the little guy?" brooke asked referring to Jamie

"My mom had him for the day" Nathan said grabbing Haley's hand that was resting in the booth cushion 

Deb was watching Jamie because Haley and Nathan decided to try one last option, they were going to drive to every college with a basketball team that was near tree hill, and practically beg them to let Nathan be on the team. Every single one turned him down, he was beaten up. Every time they said no it was like he was being stabbed through the chest. Haley was feeling the same thing she was worried for Nathan she was worried that he would change if he did not have the game in his life and she worried that Jamie and her would never be enough for him.

"Well I miss him, and you guys seriously I would be willing to watch him whenever." Brooke continued 

"Thanks Brooke" Haley said not sounding herself 

"Ok guys I have exciting news!" Brooke squealed 

everyone waited with anticipation

"Someone is interested in clothes over bros" 

"Brooke thats great!" Haley exclaimed 

"Yeah they are in New York and they want me to fly down there this weekend to talk about expanding the line." Brooke explained 

"we are so happy for you brooke" Lucas said hugging her 

"yeah so what about you guys, has anything happened recently?" 

Haley and Nathan looked at each other briefly then looked away 

"No" they said in unison 

"well okay then" Brooke laughed 


Nathan and Haley were walking on the path to get to debs house and pick up Jamie they were holding hands when they reached the door when suddenly Haley dropped her hand to knock on the door, Nathan grabbed it before she could do anything and then grabbed her other hand too. 

"Haley listen, I know that this whole basketball thing has you a little freaked out" 

"It does not" 

"Haley I can tell when your lying" 

Haley looked down with a sad face at the ground 

"No Hales its okay...Haley I promise that i'll be okay, I promise you that I will be here and that I will never turn into anyone other than who I am right now in this moment with you." 

"Okay" she said tearing up 

"Lets go get our boy" Nathan said smiling 

"OK" she said kissing him 

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