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Stupid Child: I hope you dont mind if I ask this, but... are you a terrorist?

Me: Yes, my hijab gave it away didn't it? Or is it my skin colour??

Stupid Child:...............


Well, that's kinda me with everybody! LOL

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Well, that's kinda me with everybody! LOL.


One summer ago, I was packing my things because we were going to another country.

You wanna know what my "genius" brain thought of to put in my bag that was going to be beside me on the airplane?? 


(Why is spelling scissors so hard? Whenever I write it, my brain's like 'skissors' so I can spell it right. Diamond is 'die-aah-mond').

The lady who was checking my bag was probably like: "what the hell is she gonna do with scissors?" Yeah, I was planning on stabbing someone.

OF COURSE NOT. I didn't even know what I was thinking.

And my family still teases me for doing it to this day. "Oh, remember when the lady found scissors in your backpack?"

Did I put a bad image on Muslims?

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