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Just curious, but how often do you guys go swimming??

Do you have any specific rules??

Are they like the following?:


2) Covering yourself more than the people around ya

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2) Covering yourself more than the people around ya. Like a water hijab or something.

3) You can't be on your period when swimming cuz tampons or pads (obviously) aren't an option.

I RAAAARELY go swimming. In fact, the last time I went was when it was an all gurls and that was like a year ago.

I used to love swimming, but then winter came around (did you know I live in Canada?? The winters here are COOOLDD!), and I kinda let it go. Then my dad thought I was too old to take my hijab off, so I kinda just stopped. Now I SUCK at swimming. Like I probably can't even doggy paddle anymore😂😢

edit: i got a burkini guys, i go swimming twice a year now alhamdullilah😂

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