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So I found this website and it's called "Ex-Muslims of North America (USA & Canada)":


So it's like this website that shows stories of people who left Islam and how Islam is unfair to women, etc etc. (Just go check it out and come back!)

I mean, if I say this website is stupid, you'd all say "it's because you're Muslim and you don't want people leaving your religion."

I don't care if anybody leaves a religion for whatever reason. It's their choice, it's their life. 

BUT like why would you put lies about Islam? Why are you trying to convince people to leave the religion they believe in just because you don't? That's exactly what they're doing. 

Maybe what they said is true, but everything has a reason! 

They also had a bunch of stories of people leaving Islam and I bet they're life sucked cuz the Muslims were all like "it's the Shaytaan!" and I do believe it's the Shaytaan, but they bully these ex-Muslims and that's not fair cuz like I said, it's their choice, it's their life. AND if you want them to come back, you don't treat them like shit!

This is such a controversial rant...........hehe plz don't hate me.

I'm not saying this website is stupid.........I just don't like it cuz they're saying my religion isn't a good one and that's kinda rude. 

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