Babies and Praying

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Did a child EVER just climb your back when you're praying??

Like, you go do your sujood and then at that moment, your two year old brother comes along and rides your back!!

FIRST, they slide! This friggin' pushes my hijab away and my hair shows and then i have to like fix it like oml.

SECOND, let's be honest. These kids are heavier than they look😂man my brothers like a fat baby elephant😂😂

THIRD, they don't FUCKING MOVE. My little brother thinks I went down so he can have a piggy back! So he just stays there so I have to awkwardly try to push him away.....

FOURTH, it's a distraction. I can't concentrate because there's a frickin toddler on my back😂

FIFTH, if you wear a abaya, the child slides and bangs their head on the ground. Which is dangerous! Absolutely NOT funny.


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