20 Hijabi Problems

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1) Not being able to sleep on desk during class cuz for once your hijab is on fleek (or makeup).

2) Walking in the wind.

3) Stabbing yourself with pins.

4) Not being able to find pins.

5) Trying to cover your neck/chest/etc.

6) Not being able to know what your bun from behind looks like.

7) Baby hairs.

8) SUMMER TIME. It's too hot and I want to wear the hijab loosely but then my neck will show.

9) Learning how to not poke yourself with pins.

10) People staring at you. I don't mind it's just, why you staring?

11) Hijab not keeping the smell of your hair in.

edit: i burst out laughing when i read that😂😂😂😂i actually smell my hijab after i wear it AND IT FUCKING SMELLS LIKE DANDRUFF😂😂

12) Bad Hijab Day.

13) Not knowing whether to put on makeup first and then the hijab and risk getting makeup on the hijab OR putting on the hijab then makeup but also risk getting makeup on the hijab. Either way it's a lose-lose.

14) Finding food on hijab.

15) Wearing a hijab too tight but it looks good so you keep it like that and suffer tremendous amounts of pain.

16) Everybody knowing who you are cuz you one of the few hijabis in the school.

edit: unless you go to an all-muslim skool😂then it would be everyone knowing who u r cuz u one of the few NON-hijabis in the skool😂

17) Unnecessary items and jewels on hijab. What is your purpose?!

18) Worried that your hair is showing and you check every two minutes.

19) Buying hijabs that will never be worn.

edit: so much money down the drain😭😭😭

20) Wearing a jacket and it pulls on your hijab, or it gets stuck in the zipper, etcetcetcetectetc.

Any more??

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