"You're Not Fasting" Confrontations

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I still haven't mastered the "eating in Ramadan without anyone knowing" thingy yet so I had like 50 close calls.

I go in the living room with a lollipop in my hand, totally forgetting everyone's fasting, and I put in my mouth and then my brother's like "HEEEEY you're fasting!" and I was like "my bad, whoops" and ate the thing in my room. My mom gave me the dirtiest look ever.

I was making cake and this has always been a habit of mine which is eating the batter. So my sister (or was it brother?) were with me and I tasted the batter and then they were like "aren't you fasting?" and I'm like "oh shit. I forgot" and gurgled it out of my mouth.

One time, my brother was like "when you eat in Ramadan, keep fasting becuz Allah made you eat blahblahblahblah" and my mom was there and she was like "yeah, yeah, good job" and gave me a dirty look and we had a "talk" and I couldn't tell my brother why I'm not fasting becuz I just can't which confuses the hell out of me.

edit: yall if you have a younger brother who you think is mature enuff to learn about the islamic pov of periods TEACH HIM even if hes not that mature, once he reaches like puberty or something TEACH HIM. if you never TEACH HIM who will? our arab/muslim mothers r too conservative for that ish😂i taught my brother and now he doesnt bother me, im like yo if theres stuff in the garbage bin, dont bother telling me to pray cuz i cant, if u see me eat in ramadan, let it go and leave me alone. it was akward but im SOOOOOO glad i did it😂😂😂

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