Sex Education

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I wouldn't say it's awkward....

Who am I kidding?! ITS AWKWARD AF.

Teachers, especially nurses, are so straight up. They don't hesitate they're just like:
"So you stick this right up your vagina!"

😂😂I cringe on the inside SOOO hard😂😂

Plus some of the things they teach us are like not part of our religion.

So prepare for the HALAL sex ed taught by yours truly, moi!!:

1. Some muslims says tampons are okay and some say no, and I'm going with the no, you can choose.

2. Birth control and stuff like that should not be taken unless your life is in danger.

3. If you're pregnant and your life is in danger THEN you can do abortion.

4. How babies are made you ask?? Well, first you - KIDDING! When you get married ask your mom.

5. If there are any......nude pics, LOOK AWAY.

6. If you know how babies are made.....DON'T DO IT UNTIL YOU GET MARRIED!


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8. When your period ends, you gotta take a shower, washing your right side first then your left side.

9. You can't touch the Quran when on period (unless you have to, like if you're a Quran teacher), BUT you can still say dua.

10. Ummmmm......idk. Anything I missed??

Hope you learned a few things and had a few laughs, my lovely readers!

AKA plz vote😂

PLZ I cringe so hard.

Sorry if this was a weird update, but being WEIRD is my specialty😂😂😂 

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