Awkward Boob Encounters

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This is gonna get REEEAAAALLLL awkward.

I was playing basketball with little boys and I raised the ball over my head, okay? They were jumping to try to get it and they were slapping my boobs cuz they were so short and they didn't even realize what they were doing and I was just like 'stop, don't do that'😂😂but they kept doing it OH LORD😂😂

I was at my friend's house and her little brother (4 yrs old) kept hugging me cuz he loves me so much and he accidently grabbed my boobs while he was going for a hug and he was like 'is that your stomach?' and I was already freaked out cuz he grabbed my boobs and I said 'no' and then he's like 'did you fill it?'😂😂and then he kept poking his nipples and laughing. I think he was also disappointed cuz he didn't have boobs like me and then he just looked at me and said 'can I touch it?' and his finger was like 10cm away from poking my boob and I freaked out and just stayed away from him the whole time (oh and btw, thank god my friends didn't hear him😂)

A lot of my younger girl cousins would also hug me and they'd be so jealous, asking 'when am I going to get boobs like you?' and stuff. My younger sister too😂😂

Now I just kinda hug people not really letting them touch my chest😂😂😂

How about you? I'm sure every gurl had awkward boob encounters.....unless you don't have boobs and that may mean you're too young to be here😂

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