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Hopefully I stop making irrelevant rants, buuuuuutttttt.......

Am I the only one that has tears come out of their eyes when they yawn??

It looks like I'm crying and I hate it!

One time, one of my classmates took my eraser and said they'll never give it back.
I yawned.
Guess what my eyes did?
They 'cried'.
And everybody thought I was crying because they took my eraser. I said I yawned, but nobody believed me.
I didn't even care about the eraser.

Plus, yawning gives a chance for Shaytaan to get in you (I think). So always cover your mouth when you yawn and say:
اعوذ باله من الشىطان الرجىم
You probably already knew that, but whatever😂😂

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