Public Washrooooomss

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Peeing in PUBLIC is the WORST.


First of all, why don't non-muslims use water to clean themselves?

First of all, why don't non-muslims use water to clean themselves?

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How can a piece of crappy tissue clean the down-there-area???

(Sorry, I'm being a little rude to my non-muslims, accept my apology)

ANNND whenever I pee in public, which I almost never do, I have to take a shower when I go home cuz i wanna be clean.

Second of all, the crappy tissue that's in public washrooms SUCK.


I have to use so much because a) I want to be clean, b) IT'S SO F-ING THIN!!

Third of all, the gap.

You know the gap, don't you?!

Whoever built the washroom stalls is an IDIOT.

I feel like everybody can see me when I pee.

Fourth of all, everything is dirty. Like, right after you clean your vagina, you have to pull your pants up. AND YOU JUST TOUCHED YOUR PEE!!!

Then you have to open the stall, which a billion people touched with pee-covered fingers and YOU TOUCHED IT.

Then you wash your hands with the fluffy white soap that probably doesn't even clean your hands that well and then you leave. After you fix your hijab with your not-properly-cleaned hands.


If I ruined public washrooms for you, I'm not sorry.

I'm trying to keep you clean, say thank you.

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