Embarrassing Bathroom Moments

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This is kinda inspired from my last update😂

One time in Egypt me and my family were like at this amusement park kinda thing and I needed to go to the bathroom. So me and my little cousin (she's a girl) went to the bathrooms area, and when we arrived there weren't any female-or-male signs on the bathrooms! So we went in a random one. And then a FRICKING GUY CAME IN, but he didn't say anything, he just gave us a look and when in the toilet stall thingy. Me and my little cousin were like "Is this the girl's or the guy's bathroom?" and then some random dude yelled "THIS IS THE GUY'S BATHROOM" and me and her ran out of there, laughing.

Another time my brother pissed me off and he thought he was safe in the guy's bathroom. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH as if😂😂 I went in anyway. The bathroom was empty (THANK GOD) and later my dad yelled at me.

So one time I was shaving my legs for like swimming or something in the bathroom and then my sister's friends were in my house too, and they heard the buzzzzzz of the shaver. I swear whY ARE THEY SOO LOUD?!? I don't shave anymore though.

One time, actually 40940989834 times, I get my period and I obviously have to change my pad so anyways, I go in the bathroom and unwrap the pad and this is JUST AS LOUD AS THE SHAVER. Everybody hears me. This isn't embarrassing (it's not like I can control my period), but pad companies need to make them have less wrapping cuz it's bad for the environment and nobody really needs to know I have my period.

One time in Egypt, back when I was like 10 or 11, I was in school and everybody and I mean EVERYBODY knew who I was and there were like a thousand kids in my school in Egypt. They knew me cuz I spoke English fluently. So one time I was going to the bathroom and then this 15 year old guy came in the girl's bathroom with me and was like "How do you say cow in English?". All the girl's were like "OH MY GOD!" "AHHHHHHH!!" "There's a boy in the bathroom!!" (No shit, sherlock😂). My mind was like "Dude, you're like 15, didn't you learn this?!". I told him it was cow and then he left. I think he asked cuz insults in arabic are basically just farm animals so he probably asked that so he can call everybody a cow and they wouldn't know he's making fun of them😂😂kinda smart actually😂😂😂😂

One time I was swimming and I decided to stop 10 minutes earlier so I can take my time in the shower. So when I went, these two obnoxious boys that made my grade 7 life hell were there, showering, too (if you're confused, it's just shower heads on the wall and you take a shower WITH your swimming clothes on). I decided to shower anyway and WHAT A MISTAKE THAT WAS. They kept snickering at me even though I wasn't really doing anything but just standing under the water. I was so confused, BUT I knew they were just stupid assholes.

One time, I was changing in the changing rooms after gym and I would always change in the corner and this girl (well I think now they identify themselves as non-binary or something like that, im not sure, i never asked) would always change beside me even though we weren't close friends and they could've changed with any one of their friends. So yeah, it was odd. Anyway, we would change and talk together, and then sometimes I catch them eyeing my boobs for too long........yeah kinda awkward for me. We're still friends though😂

edit: lmao a person from the lgbtq+ community thought my boobs were hawt😂

That's kinda all of them, maybe there's more but I can't remember them. 

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO since I just blurted out some very embarrassing and umm...traumatizing bathroom experiences, I need payback. What about you? Any embarrassing bathroom moments?! 


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