My Different Personalities

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1) The very religious one (I need to be this one more often....)

2) The extremely introverted one (EVERY SINGLE MORNING-ZIP-NO TALKING)

3) The loud one (I luv this one cuz ppl listen to me and I make new friends......until I go back to number 2)

4) The I-have-no-shame one (Just saying random embarrassing things about me to total strangers and-I need to stop)

5) The I'm-a-teacher's-pet one (I get good grades, okay?!)

6) The funny one (PPL ACTUALLY LAUGH AT MY PATHETIC JOKES! And suffering and heart breaks and*sniffles*)

7) The I'm-gonna-laugh-at-everything one (I hate this one cuz I will literally -literally- pee myself at the stupidest things and if it's a guy, ppl assume I have a crush, but I play it off as a joke cuz guess what?! I laugh at everything!)

8) The flirty one (This one needs to go burn in hell.......BTW I do these as jokes and I don't touch the guy and they know it means nothing. Plus I only do these when I'm feeling daring) 

9) The dancing-singing-everything-positive one (This one's good cuz I'm hyper and stuff and I look at the bright side. But I also hate it cuz when I play basketball, I compliment everybody and play terribly)

10) The rude-mean-savage one (LUV THIS ONE)

11) The I-will-not-procrastinate one (When I'm doing HW, but we all know I will becuz hehe I'm supposed to be doing my HW)

12) The I'm-on-my-period-and-the-cramps-are-killing-me one (ABSOLUTELY DESPISE THIS, I HOPE I GET HASSANT FOR ALL THIS SUFFERING)

13) The I'm-craving-vegetables-and-fruit one (don't ask, chocolate hurts my teeth and I've always liked veggies and fruit)

Hehe I have more, but I have tons of HW I have to do (I have 3 assignments, one of them bigger than the others, and they're all due this week and I haven't even started cuz I've been procrastinating Astaghfirillah), et j'ai besion etudier pour francais (HAHAHA nailed it!).

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