Hijab Forcing??

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Okay, I'm gonna be very honest here and it might hurt a few of you. 

So, you know how people ask: "Were you forced to wear that (hijab)?"

It's not that stupid of a question cuz they don't know the answer. But let me ask you: What was your answer (if you wear the hijab)?

I'm probably the only one (maybe not), but.....yea I was forced. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I was, but I'm pretty sure plenty of muslims have better parents than mine.

OH NO my life probably sucked cuz I didn't get the choice to wear it or not OH NO.

My parents had good reasons and I was bound to wear it sooner or later and they wanted me to get used to it. Plus, I'm glad I had to wear it because if I didn't, I don't think I'd be wearing it rn.

Another personal question: How long have you been wearing it (hijab)?

I've worn it for about 4 years now. AND I LUV BEING A HIJABI. (IK that sounds weird after I said I had to wear it, but trust me, I acc luv wearing the hijab).

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