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(B4 I start, since when did my book become so popular?...I open up Wattpad and I have billions of notifications. LOL I haven't used Wattpad lately throughout Ramadan cuz I was lazy LOL)

HAPPY EID!! OMG RAMADAN is OVER, EATING IS LIKE so frickin' weird NOW, but I got used to it quickly (I'm such a pig, lol). 

EID MUBARAK EID MUBARAK EID MUBARAK!!! Did you know it's Eid?! OH WAIT some of you guys have it on Monday right? My Shiaa' friend is fasting on Sunday so I kept rubbing it in her face that she's fasting and I'm not and it was fun (I'm so cruel LOL).

Sorry I haven't like updated or anything but I feel like the obvious rants are too boring and I don't want to be predictable. And instagram has everything anyway.

Who practically did nothing this Eid?

HEH not me, I went to the BEACH oh yeah, it was awesome.


Happy EID btw!

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