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WOWZAH we reached 15k reads!! That's just AMAZING!

I still can't believe it......


Well, um, we can do 10 NON-hijabi Muslim problems, eh? Let's see if I can do it....:

1. Being criticized by others for not being "devoted" enough.

2. Being asked "You're Muslim?!".

3. People saying they can be "a better Muslim than you". You don't need a hijab to be a good Muslim, jeez.

4. People saying "aren't you supposed to wear a hijab?".

5. Do parents try to persuade you to wear a hijab? Let me know.

6. Going in the mosque without a hijab and the women stare at you (guilty of staring, I'm sorry).

7. ummmm.......

8. I bet doing your hair and brushing it is just as annoying as doing a hijab.

9. hehe....idk

10. People saying "You look nicer with a hijab!" or "You look nicer without a hijab!".......Thanks?

hehe can't do 10 LMfAO

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