Nasheed Artists

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IDK if any of you remember, but a couple rants ago (that sounds funny lol) I mentioned I don't listen to music anymore. It's just that some scholars say musical instruments are haram and some say it's not as long as the message is good (the Prophet pbuh let little girls sing good songs and play instruments in his house). Either way, I don't think music that's being made rn is good for my mind becuz they're always in my mind, even when I'm praying, and it makes me think of things I shouldn't and don't need to know. Also, there's other things you can listen to that's more beneficial, like Quran. This is just my opinion, if you want to listen to music, go ahead idc.

Want to know what I do listen to? (probably not but I'll say it anyway) (I listen to them on youtube cuz I don't have a phone)

1) Harris J - this kid (well he's like 20) is so awesome! All his nasheeds are amazing and so powerful. GO FUCKING CHECK HIM OUT.  Listen to "Save Me From Myself", his newest song, first, or "Rasool'Allah" (Messenger of Allah) or "Worth It". He's also kinda cute, not rlly, but kinda.

2) Khaled Siddique - He's a 24 yr old convert who makes, like, Islamic rap and other things. His raps are so good, you need to check this guy out too. Since he's a convert, he makes songs about how hard it is cuz staying on deen is hard and stuff. Yeah. He makes vlogs and stuff on youtube.

3) Siedd - A Canadian guy who makes nasheeds and they're really touching. My fave: I'll Just Be Me is so good and it isn't really related to religion (you can tell from the title) but it's good. Try all his songs, he doesn't have many. I'm pretty sure he's new in the industry.

4) MercifulServant: It's this Islamic youtube channel and go to their playlists and click on the nasheeds one and just listen. They're mostly in Arabic, but even when you don't know what he's saying, it'll make you cry anyway cuz the voice is just....AMAZEBALLS.

5) Rhamzan Days - a youtube channel with this guy that makes a capella and/or halal lyrics of songs. They're not as good as the originals but you can tell he worked really hard and they're not bad. Good for people who believe musical instruments are haram.

6) Deen Squad - It's a band of Muslim men who make their own nasheeds (with musical instruments) or make halal-ed lyrics of songs. Check out "Jannah" (a parody of "Panda"), it's my fave.

If you're trying to stay away from music, listen to these bad boys and slowly limit the music you listen to. If you ever have the temptation just ask Allah to keep the Shaitan away from you.

If you still want to listen to music or you're a non-muslim, try these nasheed artists out, you can learn a thing or two or if you want something different to listen to.

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