Chapitre Un.

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Liam Hemsworth as Demetrios Kanzaki


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Un


What is love?

Love is true devotion to someone beyond yourself. Love is a passion; love is kind, trust respect and truth. Love is when you think that every single bit of a person is amazing. Words can't describe love fully. Love is an emotion. Love is life. Without love life has no meaning. That's what love is. Love is a complex thing. It means making that person a priority, sometimes even above yourself. Love is giving your all with all your heart. Trusting with your eyes closed. Caring, nurturing, believing, and never expecting anything in return.  

Well, I don't believe in love.

Why would I?

With all the luck I get with the most beautiful women I've ever seen, I would understand why someone like me just doesn't believe in love.

I've never had the best luck with anyone. I would take a girl out on a date and it'll end happily but I would never get a call back asking for a next date.

Exhibit A.

"You're so sweet! It's so hard to see why you are single." My beautiful date Kara Klaveno sat opposite of me, taking a sip of her red wine. "You'd be surprised." I raised my brows a bit before sighing.

It was almost too good to be true, this being my third date with a different girl and it going in the right direction. She was too kind, too beautiful for someone like me. "So what do you do, Demetrios?" Kara asked with a smile and I grinned. "Ah, nothing interesting. I'm just a boxing teacher at a local shop." I replied and she tilted her head. "I do like strong men." She stated and I nodded softly.

If only she knew.

"You have an accent, right?" She questioned and I spoke in my native tongue in response. "Greek. Born and raised in Patras but I moved here about ten years ago." I gave her all the information she needed to know. "Shouldn't your accent have faded?" Kara picked up a piece of her steak and chewed it in her mouth.

"No. My mother still speaks Greek so I speak Greek back to her." I chuckled. "Here's your bill, sir." The waiter came by and patted my shoulder and I stiffened for a bit. "Thanks." I mumbled, pulling out my credit card and putting it into the slot, handing it back to the waiter. "Let's get ready to go." I smiled softly at Kara.

She might just be the girl I need.

The waiter came back with a receipt and bid us farewell, watching us walk of the restaurant. "Want me to take you home?" I asked and Kara shook her head, her red dress making her blue eyes pop. "No. I'll catch a cab home." I nodded, pulling out my keys. "Thanks Demetrios." She kissed my cheek and I blushed. "I'll call you for another date." I watched her get off into the cab with a smile.

She never did.

I didn't know what it was about me that people didn't like. Was it my blond tousled hair that had hung over my head or was it my blue eyes that were just, too blue? Was it my personality, did I come off as overbearing and too demeaning? What was it about me that turned people away?

Was it the aura that I had? Was I just too kind? Probably.

This happened every time I went out on a date and for some reason, I still kept trying to achieve that happiness and be loved by someone I loved. For some reason, I guess it was a sign telling me that I would never be loved.

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