Chapitre Vingt-Quatre

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"I would have never expected to meet someone like you." -Demetrios Kanzaki


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Vingt-Quatre

"John, I know you're awake." I said, hissing as a throbbing pain shot up my back, skyrocketing up my spine. My butt was on fire and I really couldn't make use of my legs, they were invalid and numb. "Stop licking my nipple." I groaned in annoyance at the fact that I couldn't move from the bed because he was on top of me, all that weight. Ugh. "I can feel your drool." I grimaced as I heard him grunt and let out another fake snore. "John, I can hear your breathing." I rolled my eyes as he continued to play dead, clenching his arms around my waist. "Ow, you asshole!" I winced in pain.

He really did a number on me. More than one, I should say. I was feeling a lot more pain that Derek said I would feel. First of all, I didn't even know that John was like that when it was time to have sex. I blushed at the thought of him demanding me to do things. I would have never expected him to do a complete 180. Looking at him and his playful, flamboyant demeanor, I never would have thought he would be someone different behind the scenes and damn, was I feeling it. It was good but the after burn hurt like hell.

"John..." I whined, wanting him to get off of me. It wasn't that I didn't like cuddling, I mean, I was okay with cuddling if it was him but my body was sore and I was in need of a hospital. "Unless you want to give me a back massage, I suggest you get off of me before I kick you off." I looked down at the brown mop of hair that began to move. John had laid between my legs and we were both naked, not to say it wasn't a good feeling because it was.

It just made me a little shy because no one has ever gotten this far with me before, far enough to see me naked. "Ugh!" He cursed, lifting his head and exposing that bed head, which I found very attractive and his face, while it looked down with the remnants of sleep, I found it so very, very hot. What was wrong with me? "Stop whining." He yawned, running a hand through his hair as he laid one hand on my bruised hip. "I hear you." He groaned as he gripped me tightly. "What are you doing?" I babbled in an alarmed tone, my hip pulsating in agony from the works of the previous night.

All of a sudden, he pushed me over to lay on my stomach, exposing my back to him along with the several stitches. "John." I muttered, still not liking my back to him. It was the area where the majority of my scars trailed from. I trusted him with everything I had in me, all my heart, all my soul, but I was still a little bit insecure about him seeing the worst thing about me. He had only seen my chest shirtless because I was able to hide my back from me. Now, he saw everything and I began to fidget, hoping it would push me back over to my original position. "Stop moving." He commanded in a husky voice and my body stopped at the sound of him.

"That's better." He sighed, sitting up and sitting on me. He pressed his hands to the small of my back, pressing down and I groaned in relief. "John, I'm not too sure about-" I protested about him seeing my back because I could feel him staring as if he was a little disgusted. "Isn't your phone ringing?" He snorted as he rubbed his palms into my back, working out the tense muscles. "Answer it." He said with a small smile and I looked at him, noticing that there weren't any looks of disgust.

Why would there be? He literally told you that he loved you last night!

He said he thought.

There is basically no difference, if you think about it!

I let it go, reaching for my phone on the table next to me, noticing that Marianna was calling me. I wondered what she wanted. I sent a small glare at John who grinned sheepishly as I picked up the call. "Hello?" I whispered in a breathless tone. "Hi, Tre!" I leered a little bit at the sound of my friend's voice. "I missed you! When are you coming back to the dojo?" She asked, sounding a little happy. "I haven't seen you in awhile." She said and I gave an evil look to the source of all my problems. "Yeah, I miss you too Mary." I ignored the growl John let out as he gave me a deeper massage. 

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