Chapitre Six.

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Kate Beckinsale as Marianna Cavanaugh 


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Six

It was amazing how someone could do a complete 180 in the name of love. 

It was amazing yet sad to see how Ramone Vega had his cold as ice heart melted with the fire of Micah McKenna's love. You could see how Ramone lit up whenever he stepped into a room. You could see how his eyes twinkled in joy and happiness when Micah laughed or said something of the sort. It was amazing with how time flew by so fast and this twenty-three year old boy was able to change the ways of the most ruthless mafia boss of them all.

But it was also sad.

It was sad because while I was observing this all happen, while I was watching Ramone fall in love piece by piece as months went by, I found myself craving that similar thing he had. I found myself wanting to experience love. 

Just by looking at them smile at each other and laugh at each other's stupid jokes made me realize that, yeah maybe I did want that same thing. Maybe I wanted someone who would look at me as if I was the best treasure they had in the world. Maybe I wanted someone who would look past my scars and my troubled past and help me realize that nothing should ever hold me back.

Maybe I wanted to be kissed by someone who acted as if they had been starved for so long and now they're finally seeing a morsel of food.


Just maybe I wanted to be on the other side of the wall, screaming in pleasure instead of listening to Micah and Ramone go at it every night.


I ran a hand through my hair and sighed to myself. "Eh, why do you look so sad, Demi?" I looked up in fright to see Micah standing there in my doorway with his robe on. "This is always how I look." I muttered, not changing my expression. 

It had been conventional how I met Micah James McKenna. It also had been one of the worst days of my life. 

"So what's your name?" He had asked me while looking up at me. I had just walked in on Ramone holding him like he was some precious child or whatever the case might be. "Demetrios. Didn't boss already tell you my name, or were you just too busy not listening?" I rolled my eyes, finding myself rather annoyed by everything in this world. "Fuck you, you pissy motherfucker. I wanted to know your full name." Micah snapped and he flipped his middle finger up at me.

So he did have a backbone, eh?

"It's Demetrios Kanzaki." I smirked, suddenly liking this guy for boss. "I like your name. Sounds mysterious." I shook my head at his comment. "You're funny." I smirked, feeling like I could make a friend out of this guy. Maybe not, who knows? "So are you his guard or something? I've never seen you before." 

"Nah. I'm his right hand man. You're probably not going to see me much because I find the people he wants and he kills them. I also find out research and all that." I stated the basis of my job but it ran much deeper than that.. We had finally reached the end of the stairs and turned into the direction of the kitchen. We weren't 40 feet away until we heard a woman's voice. "I'm here, so I have to go." 

I slowed my footsteps down at the sound of that familiar voice running through my ears. It can't be! But I knew it was. Boss had told me she had been here quite a few times but she didn't know of me being here. She didn't know I was the right hand man of the person she claimed to be her boyfriend. She presumed me to be dead.

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