Chapitre Trente.

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Nothing is greater than the feeling of feeling like you finally have it made.


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Trente

"I got the mail from the P.O box." John stated, tossing something my way and I caught it, opening it unconsciously as I read the contents, fire washing over me.

I glanced at the front of the envelope, realizing that it was mailed from East Beaumont High. "What is it?" John asked as he took the letter from me. "It's an invitation." I sighed, shaking my head. "To what?" He stared at me in confusion and I rolled my eyes. "The Class of of 2006 reunion." I tossed the envelope on the table. "I'm not going so you can throw it away." I sat down on the bed, running a hand through my hair. "Why not?" He sat down next to me, pulling my body into his. "Because they treated me like shit and I don't want to see those heathens ever again!" I snarled angrily as John rubbed my arms in an attempt to calm me. "Calm down darlin'. I"m not forcing you to go," He whispered into my ear as I relaxed. "But it would be nice to see where all of those people ended up. Let them see just how far you came."

"Are you sure about this?" I bit my lip as John wiggled his eyebrows at me mischievously. "I'm sure, Demetrios." He nodded, pulling me further into the shop. "Live a little, you old man." I scowled at him, knowing that he couldn't see it as the door closed behind me, chimes sounding upon our entrance. "You like this old man." I grumbled pathetically, listening to him chuckle happily. "I do, don't I?" He turned to me, a fond look in his eyes as a small smile sat on his lips and I blushed like a tomato. "Shut up." I narrowed my eyes at him as a man with tattoos all over his arms and black hair, his blue eyes staring into us came out into the front.

"Hey. I'm Mason." He greeted us with a small smile, his small stature parked behind the counter as we approached him. "How can I help you guys today?" He asked and I went to answer. "We want a tattoo done." He nodded in response as he handed us two forms. "Fill these out right quick that way my partner and I can get a definite idea of what you two want." I reached for the paper, handing John one. "What are you getting done?" He asked as I wrote my name down. "You'll see after." I smirked and without looking at him, I knew he was pouting. When we were finished, Mason and another man came out, prepared to lead us to the back. I snorted when John leaned down and kissed my cheek. Nothing made me more happy than he did.

As we walked back into the parlor, I had a definite idea of what I wanted. Something that held meaning to my past. Something to cover that large scar that took up most of my back. I didn't like to see it even if John thought it was hot. It still made me self-conscious. I handed Mason my paper as he pointed to the long chair. "Lie on your stomach." I took off my shirt, looking around the freshly cleaned white room as I spotted John on the other side of the room, following the instructions of the partner. "I'm not going to lie, you're getting it on top of your spine so it'll hurt." Mason stated with a curt nod and I shrugged. "I'm used to pain." And I was. After being tortured my whole life, I became immune to certain things. "Alright," He put hand sanitizer on his hands. "Let's get started." I could feel the coolness of the sanitary wipe he used on my back as the buzzing of the tattoo machine echoed in my ears, lulling me into a dream state.

"John, you want to do this?" I reached over to grab his hand, sensing his worries. "Y-yeah." He sputtered, wiping his forehead free of sweat. "I have to." He sighed pathetically and my heart yearned for him. "Even though he's dead, I still found a way to be afraid. I know I have to if I want to leave him in the past but it's hard." He sighed and I squeezed his hand, letting him know that I was here. "I'll support you no matter what you want to do." I rubbed his hand soothingly and he leaned over, placing a kiss on my forehead. "That's why I'm never letting you go." I chuckled, beaming with a full smile as his eyes twinkled at me. "I'm not sure if I ever told you, but you have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen." My heart jumped at the sound of his soft works, blood filling my cheeks. "Of course, after my own." I narrowed my eyes at him as I flicked his forehead with my free hand. "Thanks to you for ruining the mood, John." I untangled my hand from his, getting out of the truck. "I wasn't aware that there was a mood!" He yelled at me as I shut the door and I flipped my middle finger up at him. "Get out." I mouthed and he pouted, exiting the car.

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