Chapitre Dix.

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Chris Hemsworth as Armando Causi


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Dix

He was angry.

It was very much clear.

The way he glared at me through his sunglasses, the way his lip was turned a sneer and I could hear him breathing heavily. His nostrils were flaring and his voice was cold as ice.

"Demetrios, what the hell is this?!" He slammed down the container of razors onto the counter of the sink, his eyes zeroing on me. "If it's what I think, so help me god..." He clenched his fists, the vein on the side of his head bulging as if it were to pop. "And what do you think?" I folded my arms in a sassy way and awaited his response.

He narrowed his eyes at me as if he didn't like the way I was speaking to him. Oh well, this was what he got for invading my personal things. "What the hell do you think you're doing, John, going through my things?" I questioned, fear still in me. "I don't think I heard you ask for permission." I stomped my foot, not liking how I was seen as a little child in his eyes. "When it comes to you, I don't have to ask for permission, Demetrios!" He yelled, his deep voice startling my inner core.

"Let me see your wrists." He demanded and I immediately hid them under my arms. "No." I grunted out and I was sure I had the upper hand but he stalked over to me in one step and snatched my wrists out, lifting up my long sleeves. "Stop it!" I wiggled my hands back and forth to try to release but he didn't budge.

He stared down at the many lines of scars that traced my wrists about a quarter of my arm, not saying anything. I was scared. What was he thinking? Did this mean he didn't want to be my friend anymore? I didn't give a shit. I didn't even want to know him in the first place.

Then John lifted his head up slowly, flinging my arms away from him as he walked away from me. I was taken aback by his reaction and my heart began to break slowly, my eyes threatening to fill. 'This is normal'. I told myself. 'This happens every time someone learns something about that they don't like. This is a reason why I couldn't ever have friends.'

John took off his glasses, just staring at the wall. He didn't say anything but I need his silence meant his rage. 

"John I-

"Don't." He put a hand up to me, halting my voice. "Don't you dare say a thing." He growled out, the dominance in his voice silencing me for some reason.

"Why?" He asked. "What was so bad that you had to resort to this?" He questioned, turning to me and I could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "I don't think you should do that anymore. What happened in your life that made you this way?" He questioned and I could hear the pity in his voice. That was one thing I hated.

"Don't you dare question me on my life when I know nothing of you!" I raged, having up to here with his bullshit. "Not everybody has a good life you like say!" I panted.

"You just don't seem like the kind of person to do that!" He yelled back, hovering over me and I was done with him, everything. I wanted to go home and lay in my bed and wish that I was never born. Not everyone bares their secrets on their arms.

"You don't even know me!" I screamed, my face turning red. "I don't give a damn what you think, John!" I yelled, tears coming to my eyes and I hated myself for even crying. "What gives you the right to make your way into my life and start changing everything just because you don't like it?!" I growled, clenching my fists as I glared up at John.

"I don't need you to tell me how to live my life! News flash, I've been doing this for almost my entire life!" I snarled, sniffling as I turned around and headed towards the door.

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