Chapitre Vingt-Six.

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"I hadn't realized just how much I have failed in life, how much my demons have overpowered me." -John Cavanaugh


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Vingt-Six

~John Cavanaugh~

"W-What?" Demetrios sputtered, his eyes widening. "Does that mean..." He trailed off as he turned me, a worried look in his beautiful blue eyes. "That's like asking me if bears shit in the woods. The answer is fucking yes!" I growled, running a hand through my hair and I cursed myself when a hurt look entranced his face. I hadn't meant to hurt him or his feelings. I was just scared and by judging from the look on my mother's face, it had to been something serious. "I'm sorry..." I whispered as I reached out to grab him and he relaxed in my hold. "I understand." He stated and I sighed.

He was back and I was sure he would find us again. He was a cop so he had many ways of tracking people down. The question was, why now? Why after I did so much to recover from him? Why now, when I was finally happy and I was no longer looking over my shoulder, afraid that someone was going to be there, stalking my every move? Why now, when I had found someone that was worth putting all my fears and all of my worries into? Why now, when I had found someone that protected me? "Why now?" I whispered to myself as I looked down at Demetrios, who looked afraid. 

"What did the person say to you on the phone? Who was that?" Demetrios turned to my mother, a look of concern on his face as Marianna stared at me, horror stricken all over her appearance. She had did so much running, so much escaping and now it has come to an end. "H-He said..." My mother covered her mouth, tears running down her face as she clutched the side of the island. "What did he say, Marianna?" Demetrios asked firmly, grabbing her hand and she looked at him. "He said," She swallowed and I could hear the blood thudding in my ears.

"He is coming home."

I stopped a shudder of breath that threatened to come out as I took a seat, covering my eyes. "No. No, no, no!" I slammed my hands on the table, willing myself not to lose it. "This can't be happening..." I took several deep breaths, feeling Demetrios rub my shoulders as if it would release my tension. "Demetrios..." I looked up at him, my eyes mirroring my emotions and how I felt deep down. This wasn't a simple matter that I could solve with the flash of my gun, no. I couldn't solve it because I knew eleven years later, I was still so very afraid of the man I had to call my father. 

I couldn't help but be afraid of him. He had tortured me for most of my life and it was all I had ever known. He was the very reason why I hated my name. The very reason why I only went by John. The fact that his name was embedded into me, scared me. It felt as if he would always have that power over me, which he probably would. "Janos..." I cut my eyes at my mother and I knew she was freaking out. "I won't let anything happen to you." Marianna sniffled, her brown eyes glazed over with tears. My father always had the advantage over my mother because she was so small. Even if I was tall like this, I would still be brought down on my knees to the 6 foot man because I lacked a backbone against him.

"I know, mom." My voice cracked a bit and I had to remove my glasses because I found it so hard not to cry at this moment. "I know." It wasn't that I didn't believe that she couldn't protect me. She had never witnessed any of the other times, except for that one and my father completely threw her across the room and she fell unconscious. That night was the last time I would ever see him or so I thought. I had known this happiness I felt, was not going to last forever.

I had known it from the moment I laid my eyes on the most precious thing ever and I declared him mine. I had known from the first time I ever talked to Demetrios, that this happiness had a price to pay. Everything costed something and in this case, it happened to be me. Would I put my most loved things in danger because I refused to go through with it? Was I willing to let them protect themselves if it meant that I didn't have to be subject to that excruciating pain all over again?

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