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"I wasn't looking for this, never expected this, but I'm glad it was you I fell for."


Muscled Mafia Love: Épilogue

It had been five months. Five months later and John and I were still standing strong. Each day was a blessing to me. I had learned more things about him. More than things I thought I knew. And be damned if it didn't make me want him even more. The fact that he wanted two tablespoons of shredded cheese in his eggs every morning to the fact that sleeping with his nose in my hair every night calmed him down and it reassured him that I was still there even after the countless times I told I would never leave him. Each and every single thing I learned, added to my love for him.

Just to think about the fact that if I had never met John that day, if I had never knocked on that door, if there was never any breach on the other side of the cameras, I would still be in the same position that I was before I met John. Still afraid of Zicara. Still afraid of my father. Still afraid to tell my mother all of the things they did to me. "Took me awhile..." I muttered to myself as I looked at my phone, the picture of John smirking with his glasses as my background, the best thing I had ever seen. "But I found the one person who took my heart and never gave it back." I chuckled softly, running a hand through my hair.

I had figured it out that John was the same person who came into my room that night and touched my lips while I was sleeping. Some may call it creepy but I thought it was sweet. Apparently, he had saw me before that we officially met. "From the moment I saw you talking with Micah about your mother," John grasped my chin, lifting it up to expose my blush. "From that moment I saw your eyes and that smile of yours," He rubbed my cheek softly, so many emotions running through his eyes. "When I heard that sexy voice, I knew you had to be mine."

I had made more friends in people like Daniela James and Adriana Carlucci. They were a bit weird at first and they didn't grasp the concept of personal space but surely, I grew to love them. They didn't care about the scars I had on my body, or how damaged I thought myself to be. "It's okay to feel like this, Demetrios." Adriana would say. "But don't take on this burden by yourself. That's why you have us." Obviously, I was still feeling just a little insecure but as time passed by, I found no reason to. I had found myself a great guy that knew everything about me yet chose to stand by my side anyway. I remember talking to Daniela one day and she admitted that what I had with John, most people would die for. "You found someone who's willing to overlook everything you've ever done, everything you've had, just for the sole purpose of love." She was serious and I knew just how lucky I was. "Don't overthink things, Demetrios." And from that moment on, I never did.

I also found brothers in Derek and Micah. "Derek, your child won't let me go." I mumbled, wondering why Ramiro kept clinging to me. "He likes you, Demi." Derek smirked, watching Ramiro drool on me as he bundled my shirt in his small hands. "It makes me jealous." Derek pouted and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Then get your child." It wasn't that I wasn't good with children, I merely didn't have any experience with them and I didn't want them to be hurt by something I did. "Just chill out and relax, okay?" Derek raised an eyebrow as Micah snorted. "Just sit down." I was internally panicking. I had a real, live baby on my chest snoring happily. Why wasn't anyone freaking out about this?

"Well, don't you look so adorable and motherly, Lukas?" I would recognize that teasing voice anywhere and I scowled at the person it belonged. "Shut your mouth, John." I blushed, looking down at the baby before rubbing his back softly, a small burp coming from his mouth. "Aw, you're so cute!" Micah screeched before jumping up like a monkey when Ramone came in. "You like kids, John?" Derek asked as he caught John staring at me with a fond look on his face. "Yeah. I'd want a couple of my own too. A girl to begin with." He said this while staring at me and I knew.

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