Chapitre Vingt Et Un.

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"My only one regret, is not trusting my instincts." -Ramone Vega


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Vingt Et Un

"W-What is it, Ramone?" I asked, standing in the door as he stared at me, not saying anything. "You're making me nervous." I muttered, knowing full well that I had bared a part of me that should have stayed hidden to him. "Is something wrong?" I questioned, tilting my head. He was just sitting there in his chair, just staring with an emotionless face. When he got like this, I found it hard to figure out or read his emotions.

"Shut up." He growled, putting a hand up at me and my eyes widened, not sure what was going on. "Take a seat, Demetrios, if you will." He motioned to a chair in front of his desk and I raised an eyebrow, unsure of what was going on but nonetheless, I took a seat, ignoring the fire around my heart. That meant that John must have been going crazy. I don't know, I found it cool how I could feel his emotions.

"Ramone, will you tell me what it is that's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "You haven't said anything." I stared at him, his eyes reflecting my own as he sighed, clicking his teeth. "Do you remember when we first met, what a surprise it was?" He chuckled softly, looking down at the floor. "I had sent one of the trainees to go try and mug a person in the alleyway just outside of your dojo. I hadn't expected Renaldo to get his ass kicked by someone who barely reached his shoulders." I glared at him and he smirked. "That turned out to be one of the best days of my life, right after the day Micah came here, in search of me. You want to know why, Demetrios?" He asked and I nodded. "Why Ramone?"

"Because it was the day that I met you." He said, letting out a breath. "It was the day that I found someone worthy enough to be trusted, someone I could call my right hand." I remember telling myself, 'I'll be his right hand.' I nodded in remembrance as snorted. "Because of you, I stopped smoking cigarettes. Because of you, I learned to understand other people's pain, that's why I thought before I decided Micah's fate. Because of you, so many things of have changed for the better." Ramone clarified and I blushed just a bit. "You had shown me that fierce fire you kept hidden away so long and that's how I knew, I needed you." He stated.

"I hadn't expected you to be so broken," He confessed and my heart lurched at his words. "But I assure you, it didn't matter because I knew you had a purpose. It wasn't to be my right hand, no, it was for you to be happy." He looked me deep in the eyes but I was still confused. "But I'm not-" "You are. I saw it in your eyes in the infirmary. The way you looked at John, it was the same look I give Micah every time I see him." He smiled softly and I knew he was a changed man.

"You know it too. That's why I'm content now. You have found your purpose." He leaned back in his chair and I nodded, knowing full well that he was right. "But what does this have to do with anything?" I pondered, wanting to know about the evil looks he was giving me earlier. "You want to know what my biggest regret is?" He closed his eyes, his nostrils flaring. "Huh? What?" I puzzled, wanting to get to the root of this situation.

"Not being able to protect the people I love, including my right hand."

He confessed and my eyes widened at his words. "I knew something was up when I first saw all of those scars, saw how you flinch when anyone even dared to get in your personal space, how you always looked so scared and you hated talking about family." He ran a hand through his hair, his blue eyes looking as conflicted as I had ever seen. "I mean, I did a background check on you, for fucks sake! How did I not put it together that one of my enemies was your father? That one of my ex lovers was your step-sister and that they were the ones responsible for putting you through this hell?!" He snapped, breaking the pencil he had in his hand.

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