Chapitre Dix-Sept.

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Liam Hemsworth as the main character, Demetrios Kanzaki


Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Dix-Sept

How did I end up here? 

Killing me softly, and I am still falling. 

Why was I here?

I knew it was a trap the moment I got the note in my hands. I knew, one way or another, this wasn't going to end pretty. I didn't know what was stopping me from telling Ramone to help me as I stood trembling in his office. Maybe the fear of her hurting them. I couldn't let them be hurt because of me. I couldn't let John get hurt.

So I came and I was here now, tied up in a chair as I sat in a dark room, nothing to hide away the dark demons from 14 years ago. I was nervous because I let myself be captured willingly. One threat towards my friends and my mother had me cooperating. Her henchmen brutally beat me with their fists, leaving my face untouched as they tied me up with steel chains and threw me in this cold place. Everything hurt and I wanted to cry. I could only pray that I would get out of this unscathed but knowing her, I would be lucky to get out alive. I heard the door to the dungeon opening up and I prepared myself for the worst.

In walked in the demon of my past, the bane of my existence, the axe to my broken heart, someone I thought I knew, the reason that I was afraid of everything, the reason that everyone hated me, the person that has nothing but hate deep inside of her, the person responsible for my deadly nightmares every night, the person who wants nothing more than to see me suffer, the person who has torturing me for 16 years: Zicara Kiloway.

"Ah, I see you got my note, Demetrios." she walked in, looking as pretty as she could in her red dress and black heels. No matter what she did to me, I could never find myself to hate her. I guess, that's what happens when you have a pure heart of gold, unable to do anything but love. "You're smart, coming when you're told to." She snorted, tossing her brown hair over her shoulders, revealing a blunt dent in the middle of her forehead. It was similar to the description of Ramone's and how he said he killed her but I guess it wasn't sharp enough. I shuddered as I recalled the note I had walked upon in my room. 

Come to the usual place and bring no one or you'll pay with the blood of your friends. Z

I had no choice but to come because she wasn't one to shy away from a threat like that. "I'm sure you know why you're here." She clicked her teeth, analyzing her nails. "Someone killed your father and your brother and my father and I know who did it. I'm merely just getting justice for them." She snorted, her face taking on a dark expression as she turned my chair to face a screen of some sort. I was scared because knowing her, she would go to the full depths to do anything. "I had a great idea." She pulled a remote out of one of her pockets, a evil look in her eyes.

"Why don't we show your friends just how pathetic you are?" She smirked, a malicious smile on her face. "I know for a fact that the cameras you wear are on so why not give everyone a show?" She raised an eyebrow in amusement. "They'll get to see the real you and they probably won't want anything to do with you anymore." She chuckled in dark mirth as my eyes widened in fear. "No! No!" I pleaded but she shrugged and as her finger leaned down as slowly as possible, my heart began to tremor and my body began to shake with every second. If she did this, there was no telling that there would be disgust in their eyes. How come a man like me wasn't able to fight off a woman like her? They would ignore that she was torturing me like everyone else did and focus on the fact that I just sat there like I wanted it.

Truth was, I was asking for death. How could I survive when I had nothing left? Does anyone know what it's like to not feel good enough for anything?

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