Chapitre Douze.

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Amber Heard as Michelle Taylor

Muscled Mafia Love: Chapitre Douze

"Dude, you so totally like him."

I scoffed, shrugging his arm off of me. "What? No! Shut up Brad." I sputtered, not understanding why I even invited him in my room. He was a nuisance to begin with. "Is he here?" Brad asked with a smirk on his face. "Maybe I should go find him, prove to you that you do indeed like John." He was full on grinning and I could feel the blood vessels in my cheeks popping. "No, Brad and he is not here." I rolled my eyes. "He went out with Ramone and Raymundo somewhere." I muttered.

"Then why didn't you go? You're Ramone's right hand man, right?" Brad folded his arms and pouted. "Sometimes, I think you're 20 years younger than what you actually are." I snorted. "And yes, I am but that doesn't mean I have to be all up on their asses every second." I retorted and the gleam in his eyes began to twinkle. "But you do like John all up on yours." He smirked and my face fell. "Don't be an idiot. We're just friends."

And that's all we would ever be. For fuck's sake, I was the type of person who didn't even know what love was, let alone how to love someone else. I think I was just content to have John as a friend. Yeah, just someone to be close with.

"Okay, whatever you say Demetrios." Brad came and sat down next to me, flopping down on my bed. "I'm not dumb and I have eyes. You can lie to me all you want to but I can see it in your eyes every time you look at John or every time you talk about him, even now. You get that far distant starry eyed look and you smile softly as if you think you're the only one in the room and you think of nothing but John." He stated seriously and I would've laughed at his conspiracy but I was too busy thinking.

"I know that one day I'll have to come to terms with the fact that you'll favor John over my gracious presence." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about, Brad? That will never happen." I explained. "I only see John as a friend and nothing more. Now stop sputtering bullshit and decide what you're going to do." I folded my arms, staring down at the man who had already taken off his shirt.

"I'm going to stay over and Ramone is going to let me because I am your best friend." He nodded affirmatively, yanking off his pants and sliding under the covers of my big bed. I sighed, putting on a small jacket with some pajama pants before sliding in next to me. "Just to be sure." I muttered, my cheeks tinged pink as I made a pillow barrier in between us. "Why do you have to be like this, Demi? I need your warmth." Brad whined and to emphasize his point, he began shivering madly. 

"Shut up." I turned on my side and closed my eyes but not before I heard my door opening and the sound of flying peaked my interest. "The hell?" I cracked one eye open and I felt the bed dip with a sudden weight and I turned to see arms flailing everywhere. "Damn, Micah! At least warn us before you come jumping in here with us." I inched slightly closer to the edge so that I wasn't coming in contact with anyone's skin or anything. 

"Thorry." Micah mumbled, face full of pillow as he snaked his way under the blanket. "I don't know why we have a fort of pillows but I'll make one too." He began to place pillows against my back and I let out a sigh that I didn't know that I was holding. I reached out and turned out the light from the lamp, settling in content. "Demi, why are there pillow forts in this bed to begin with?" Micah asked after a moment of silence and I looked around the room, the reflection from the moon taking over the whole room, the white clashing against the black.

"There's no reason. Just leave it like it is." I said curtly, not wanting him to pry further. I had just gotten used to him touching me and he doesn't know how hard it was to control the urge to flinch every time it felt like he was going to touch me. I hated myself for the looks that went through his eyes when he realized that I moved away from him every time he came to stand beside me: the look of pain. It wasn't as if I was trying to do it on purpose. I naturally did it because that was my defense mechanism.

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