Don't Make Me Mad

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            I have been dating him for a while now. It was hard to though considering he doesn't call it a relationship. He calls me his 'slave' while he's the master. In fact he even makes me call him master. 

            I walked down the sidewalk as my eyes glared at the cold hard sidewalk. I felt people who shot me looks which made me uncomfortable. Suddenly I felt someone staring at me. My glare increased and I stopped. I turned towards the person and glared. I stopped glaring once I realized it was Kuroha. He had his arms behind his head and his body and head was turned to the side. His eyes slowly moved back to in front of him. A girl with blond hair and dark blue eyes stood in front of him. Her face was all red and she was messing with her fingers. "W-Would you please be my boyfriend!?" She asked and bowed. Her face turned even redder as she asked. Kuroha just stood there with a smile before he started laughing. The girl looked shocked and looked up at him.  "W-What's so-" Kuroha cut her off by saying. "Why would I go out with a pig like you~?" He said with a casual smile. 'Oh no..' I thought. "W-WHAT!?" The girl staggered back. "Besides it wouldn't work out between us~." He said. "J-Just give me a chance!!" She said. "No~." He said as his smile widened. "Please give me a-" Kuroha rose his hand in the air and brought it down hard to the girl's cheek. She fell to the ground from the impact. Her eyes widened. "D-D-Did you j-just-" Kuroha cut her off again. "Shut up. You annoying brat~." He smiled at her before walking across the street over to me. Wait. I awkwardly turned my gaze away. Kuroha stepped in front of me. "I don't like desperate girls like her~." He said smiling at me. I frowned. "Well you didn't have to slap her..." I mumbled. "What was that (Y/N)~?" He leaned in closer like he couldn't hear me. "N-Nothing..." I said. I turned my gaze back to the sidewalk. "HOW COME YOU'RE HANGING OUT WITH HER!?" I turned and saw the same girl who was just rejected. Kuroha sighed. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" He said in an annoyed tone. The girl pouted. "I-I know you like me!" She said. "A-And I'll prove it!!" She pushed me out of the way and grabbed Kuroha's shirt. She pulled him down and- A loud 'bang' was heard before a 'thud' followed after it. Kuroha had pulled out a gun and shot the girl. I gasped as Kuroha's eye twitched and blood slowly dripped down from his cheek. The girl laid on the ground. Her eyes widen open with shock and blood slowly ran down from her mouth. She was dead. I stared in horror and shock. He slowly turned and looked towards me. "I think I'm going on a little killing spree~" He said and quickly shot a bystander straight in the head. I gasped again as more and more people got shot. Kuroha cackled like a maniac as more and more people died. I ran to Kuroha and grabbed the gun then tore it out of his grasp. "Stop!" I yelled. He blinked before he slowly turned to look at me. I gulped as I saw all sanity was gone. "Dear..." He started with a creepy tone. "Give me back my gun darling and I won't hurt you~~~!" He gave me a psychotic smile before extending his hand towards me. "If you wanted to help me kill, darling, you could have just asked~~~~." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. He wrapped a hand around my waist and held me still before grabbing the gun. "Killing timeeeee~~~!" He said creepily. He spun me around so that my back pressed against his chest. He made my hands wrap around the gun as his hands overlapped mine. The only problem was...The gun wasn't facing outwards...It was facing towards me! My eyes widened. Kuroha pulled the gun closer to my neck. I felt the cold metal pressed up against my skin. "Hehehehe~ You look so scared (Y/N)~!" Kuroha said as he brought his face down and laid it on the side of my neck. "I wonder how long it would take to kill you~! You are a strong girl after all~!" Kuroha smiled against my skin. I shivered as I felt him sigh. "Though it wouldn't be fun killing you like this... You need to die in a special way~" I gulped and a felt another cold metal pressed up against the other side of my neck. Kuroha pulled the gun out of my hands and put it away. He grabbed my wrists and held me still. I felt the cold metal lightly glide down the side of my neck. (I know Kuroha doesnt use a knife but just work with me >.<!)  I was so scared. It glided up my neck and all the way to my lips. Kuroha pressed it down a bit and I felt pain as my lip had been cut. Blood slowly dripped down from my lip. Kuroha spun me back around so I faced him. "Next time DON'T mess with me while I'm killing~ Got it~?" He said staring hard at me. I gulped and nodded my head. His smirk widened. "Good girl~ if only you listened to master more often~.¨  He leaned closer to my face his lips brushed against mine. ¨(Y/n)~¨ He whispered. A deep blush spread across my face. ¨I want you to remember something~.¨ He said. ¨Y-Yes...?¨ I managed to stutter out. He smirked and leaned closer whispering in a dangerous tone he said. ¨Dont make me mad~.¨ 

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