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TRIGGER WARNING!!: A BIT SEXIST but don't worry I'm not saying that one gender is better than another I'm just saying they're just saying one gender is better than another :3 Besides girls rule and boys- Jk love you please don't kill meeeeee :DDDDD

You where currently being pressed up against the wall by a delinquent guy who decided it was a good idea to touch you. Of course you punched him but he didn't take that well. 

You eye was bruised and you nose was bleeding. So as you may can didn't go well. 

"Punch me again sweetheart~. I dare you~." He said smirking down at you. "Tch. I would if you would be so kind as to let me go jackass!" You said with a glare. "Heh...tough little girl eh? I'll make you eat your words~." He raised his fist to punch you again. 

You shut your eyes tightly. 'Oh crab cakes..' you thought while waiting for the impact. 

"Oi!" Some one who wasn't the jackass's voice nor yours said. You opened you eyes. 'Kuroha!' He stood their with a smirk on his face. "What do you want!?" The guy asked glaring at Kuroha. "I want my little pet~. I have to teach her a lesson~." He said walking closer. 

The guy glared at him. "Tch. Finders keepers!" He said. 

While this was happening you where busy being peeved because apprently women don't have a choice in the matter.

"Excuse me but if you haven't noticed I am a women! A real human being!" You growled. Kuroha gave you an 'aww you're so cute' look while the other dude was just like "Shut up you're not in this brat!" 

"Excuse me~." Kuroha suddenly was behind the guy. He almost screeched and he jumped slightly. "D-Dude what the-!" Kuroha cut him off. "I'll be taking her back now and if you don't give her to me I don'then I won't hesitate to kill you~." He said with a now psychopathic grin. "F-Finders keepers creep!" He said letting go of you and trying to throw a punch at Kuroha. But of course Kuroha was too fast. He grabbed the guy's neck and held him high in the air. 

"Wh-what the!?" The guy struggled in Kuroha's deadly grasp. "Kuroha!" You yelled. Even though the guy was a jerk it wasn't a reason to kill him. least in your mind it wasn't..don't know about Kuroha's though...

"Kuroha don't hurt him!" You said grabbing onto his arm and pulling slightly. "L-Let's just go!" You said. "Why should I let this rat go~?" Kuroha said in a loopy tone. His face had a wide grin and his eyes had little to no sanity in them. "Because he's a human too now let him go!" You kept pulling at his arm. "Please Kuroha! Please don't kill him!" You said as tears started to form in your eyes. 

You hated murder yet you dated a murderer. It killed you to really really like Kuroha. So with your tearful eyes you looked up at him. "Please Kuroha..." You muttered. He frowned. "Fine." He put the guy down who quickly gasped for air. "But." Kuroha glared darkly at the guy again. "If you ever mess with me or my pet again I wont hesitate to slit your throat. Now go before I change my mind!" The guy got up and ran away as fast as he could. 

Kuroha turned to you with a creepy smile on his lips. "So now it's time for your lesson~." He pulled you into an alley way and held you still. "I'm just wondering why you decided it was a good idea to run away from me~?" He asked with a slight glare. You gulped. "B-Because I got bored!" Kuroha leaned closer. "Oh~? Well you could have just told me~. You know I'd gladly entertain you~." 

Kuroha leaned closer making you tense. "NoooooooooooOOOOOOO!!" Cuddling, kissing and hugging made you uncomfortable and Kuroha knew it. "Hmmm~? I thought you wanted entertainment~?" He leaned in and started to rub his nose against your neck. "Ahaha! No no!" You tried to wiggle away but Kuroha held you in place. 

He started placing little kisses on your neck making you squirm more. "Ah! Nononononono!!" You screamed. You could feel him smirk against you skin. "What's wrong~? I thought you said you said you were bored~." He said lightly licking your nose gently. "Ahhh!! Noo stop!" You said moving your head back. 

Kuroha tilted your head up gently. "I could stop~... But only if I can kiss your lips~." He said leaning closer. "Eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" You screeched in protest. "Aww~ So you want more~?" He said in a lurid tone. "Nooooooo! Nonononononono!!" You closed your eyes. "(y/n)~."  He moved closer to your face making you tense. Gently he licked you nose again. "Aaahaaaaaa!" You tried moving back more but at this point it was useless. 

"If you wanted some attention then all you had to do was say please~." He said. 

A/N: Thank you for reading meh storyyy ^-^ And Fun Fact: Cleopatra lived closer in time to the first Moon landing than to the building of the Great Pyramid and FUNN Fact about Author: I'm really clumsy and I tend to fall on the stairs...Im a pro at attacking stairs!! >:333

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