Who Is He PT 2

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You let out a sigh and stared at Kuroha in his eyes. "I'm not cheating on you if thats what you think.." You mumbled. "Its just...." 

You blushed and turned your head away. 

You felt a harsh tug on your hair. You yelped as your face was forced towards your phone. 

"Oh really? Because I'm having a hard time believing you'd be all nice to a guy for free~." He said in a insane tone. 

You bit your lip. Do you really want to tell the truth? Knowing Kuroha he'd catch onto your lie and actually murder you. So... The nasty truth it was.. 

"I never liked any of them okay? It was just the quickest way to get money!" You growled out. 

You supposed they way it was said was different from the way it was meant because all the sudden you were pinned down. One hand on your hair and the other resting on your neck. Kuroha looked furious... 

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" He muttered. 

"H-HEY I d-didn't have sex..with these men or anything- I-I just talked to those lonely perverts! N-Nothing more! I need the money okay- s-so.." you bit the inside of your cheek. You were gonna say it... 

"So.. SO IF YOU DONT MIND QUIT TRYING TO CONTROL ME!!" With all your might you shoved Kuroha off of you, a move he clearly wasn't expecting of you. 

You stepped past him with tears in your eyes and ran down the stairs to the front door. You placed your hands on the door knob when suddenly two hands slammed against the hard word making cracking sounds come from the wood. You sucked in your breath and whirled around to see a dark look on Kuroha's face. 

You simply returned the look only with tears in your eyes and non in his.

He gripped your cheeks and forced your head up. 

"(Y/n).... You were the one who chose to love me.. That was all you~. I didn't force that on you did I?"He said as he painfully squeezed your face. "All I ask is for you to be a good girl~.. But you can't even do that so don't blame me when I have to be forceful on you." 

You glanced away. "But why..." You mumbled. "Why do you have to hurt me." 

Kuroha grinned darkly at you. "I don't~." 

He kneed you in the stomach and took a step back to let you fall to the ground. You let out a wheeze and held your stomach in pain. 

His smile turned sinister. "It's just so cute to watch you wither in pain my dear~." He pulled your phone out and before your eyes crushed it in his hand. 

You gulped almost imagining that force applied to your neck. You were about to stand however Kuroha's boot was suddenly pressed to the back of your head forcing you back down. You placed your hands on the ground and struggled slightly to keep your head up.

"Did I say you could move pet~? Hm~?"

You glared at the floor. "Fuck this day..."

Difficult Love~ (Kuroha X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now