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A/N **IMPORTANT** This is not of the same world as this story so everything that happened from the previous stories never happened here. (~o-o)~ Enjoy my lovely weebs.
And this is just to satisfy you children until I can uhm continue because I feel bad because idk what to write :) so I hope this will satisfy until then.

You heard Marry's shrill scream echo throughout the walls of your ears as they were pooling up with blood. The Snake had given you a harsh punch in the gut however unlike most of the others you were still conscious.

You could barely open your eyes, it stung with tears and a mix of blood and sweat. You saw Marry on the floor crying her eyes out as Seto was being held up by his neck by this monster.

"Now Queen~..." The male purred in a loopy tone. "Unleash your monstrous powers or I shall kill him~."

"NO!" Marry screamed. "PLEASE NO!"

You gasped and slowly pushed yourself up from the ground, managing to get yourself on your knees. "MARRY!" You yelled, catching the attention of both her and The Snake.

"Don't do it Marry!" You cried. "Don't listen to him! Don't give him what he wants!" Your voice was horse and dry but you were thankful it still worked. You didn't know why that monster wanted what he did but you weren't willing to bet anything good.

"Ahh did I not take care of you~?" The Snake hummed and made his way over to you, still holding poor Seto by his neck.

You sucked in your breath and tried to stand up to run but your leg was broken, there was no way!

His tall and darkened frame stood over you with a sinister smirk on his sick twisted face. You stared in utter fear as his foot kicked in your stomach making you fall back on the pavement. He put his foot on your head and pressed down, hard.

You screamed making Marry scream as well.

"Now unless you want to be selfish and let both your friends die, reset the world!" He uttered.

"I can't live in a world without my friends!" Marry cried.

"NO M-MARR-" It was too late for you to stop her now. What had been done was done. Nothing could change fate now.

You woke up to an annoying sound piercing your ear. You gasped and quickly sat up. The alarm clock was screaming at you, however you weren't focused on that.

Why where you in your room?

You looked around for the answered, you moved your leg, you slapped your face a couple of times wondering if maybe you black out- but you didn't. You looked over and grabbed your phone. Your eyes widened.

It wasn't even the same date?!

You quickly got dressed and raced down stairs. You saw your mother cooking breakfast, something she rarely does... The last time she did that was... recently?

Was time repeating itself?

You ignored that and walked out the door wondering if everyone else was okay. You ran as fast as your feet could carry you to the Dan as you felt a couple of tears protrude from your eyes. You slammed open the door, not even bothering to knock only to hear a loud surprised scream come from Marry.

You looked at her, tears dripped from your eyes.

"MARRY!!!!" You screamed and hugged her tight. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" You asked as your buried your face in her lovely fluffy hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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