Who Is He?

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You heard your door open and quickly you hid your phone under you pillow. You glanced up. "Kuroha?" You said and rose a brow.

He just stared.

You gulped. "Back so soon...????" You said and awkwardly glanced away.

"I thought I got rid of your phone..." Kuroha mumbled and walked over to your bed where you were sitting.

You narrowed your eyes and pouted. "You did. But I bought another one and its mine so dont you dare touch it-"

You were cut off by Kuroha's harsh glare staring down at your much smaller form.

"(Y/n)~" he cooed with an angry grin. "I thought I said you didn't get to decide what happens~. You should-"

"I DONT CARE ITS MY PHONE SO DONT TOUCH IT YOU AS-" Your face paled and quickly you slapped a hand over your mouth. It's true you did have a bit of a temper but you didn't think you'd dare say that... But it was your phone. And your phone was your baby.

You almost weren't surprised when you felt a rough grip on your neck. You bit your lip and looked up into Kurohas eyes.

With a smirk on his face he squeezed your neck making your start pulling at his hands.

"Hmm~ I wonder how many rules you broke in a matter of one sentence~."

You gulped as he pressed a little harder.

"Talking back~..."

He dug his thumb in the side of your neck.

"And raising your voice~...."

You picked and pulled at his hand when he pushed harder only cutting off more of your air.

"Hmm~... And what was it that you were about to call me~? Hm~? Cause I'm quite curious to know."

You couldn't breath at this point. You kicked your legs and struggled for air that just wasn't coming through. Your legs felt like bursting and you could feel the heat rushing to your face. Your eyes were watery and spotty and you could see Kuroha only watch you stuggle with a dark smirk on his face.

He gave your neck a hard squeeze before letting go.

You gasped as a few tears slipped out of your eyes. The air felt so good to fill your lungs as you let out a couple violent coughs.

Kuroha gave you only a few seconds to recover before he grabbed a hand full of your hair and tilted your head up to look at him.

"Now pet~...either give me your phone now or I'll dunk your head underwater~." He said with a sick grin.

You gulped and slipped your hand under the pillow. Gently you pulled your phone out and put it in his open palm with a glare.

He smiled and turned on the screen.

Where did you go?
I miss you :(
Come back! <3

You gulped as you felt Kurohas hand tighten on your hair.

He tugged roughly on your hair and faced you up to look at him.

"You have a LOT of explaining to do~. Dont you pet~???" He said with stone cold glare.

You knew he was going to be upset... And it frightened you.

Difficult Love~ (Kuroha X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now