High School Horror

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You death stared the front of the classroom. A scowl crossed your face.





At first, you couldn't even tell who he was because he had on the regular school uniform. Usually he only wore the same outfit.

You stared. Why was Kuroha here?!

Your friend suddenly grabbed a hold of your shirt and pulled you down. “Omfg!” She whisper yelled. “He's so cuuuttteee!!”

You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself away. Kuroha’s not gonna enjoy this..

The teacher mumbled about how ‘Kuroha was a new student’ and how ‘He’d be going here now!!’. You didnt care though. You only cared about the fact how the teacher suddenly thought it was a “GOOD IDEA” to let Kuroha sit behind you. Bad idea. BAD IDEA!!

Kuroha looked right at you and smirked. You glared back at him while your friend squealed in her seat. She grabbed your shirt and started shaking you rapidly while whisper screaming, mostly screaming, “HE LOOKED RIGHT AT ME!! OH MY QUATIOUS IM GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK!!!”

How did no one notice this?

Kuroha walked right past you, you could feel his cold stare on your friend as he walked back. You glanced and noticed she took this the wrong way and fangirled more cause she had the 'SENPAI LOOKED AT ME!!' face.

You couldn't help but give her a slight glare. Even if youd never yell it out loud you still love Kuroha. Hes your boyfriend for godsakes!

--Time Skip brought to you by Konoha's food obsession~--

Your eye twitched slighty. You couldn't focas on the teacher because you felt Kuroha boring holes in the back of your neck with his stare.

At one point he gently blew on the back of your neck causing you to unwillingly tense up. Occasionally you'd feel him twist your hair or poke your back but for the most part he'd just stare. Was he trying to make you uncomfortable?!

And then the most dreaded thing of all happened...

The words "Partners" came from the teacher's mouth and almost immediately you felt two pairs of arm wrap themselves are your forearms.

Your best friend and Kuroha both looked at eachother.

Oh shit. Just what we needed!!

Suddenly those two were glaring at eachother and playing tug of war with your body!

"I GRABBED HER FIRST!!" Your friend yelled, puffing up her cheeks in annoyance.

"Tch, yeah right. Filth like you shouldn't even be touching her~." Kuroha said with a sweet yet sickening smile.

"WHAT?! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER!!!" Your friend huffed tugging you towards her.

"Maybe so but.." Kuroha pulled you closer and took ahold of your chin, tilting it up. "Ever heard of love at first sight~." He purred.

Your face turned completely red. SHIT!! He was trying to make you blush wasn't he?!

Your friend pouted big time. "YEAH WELL SHES MY SISTER SO BACK OFF!!"

Oh dear lord not this again. You rolled your eyes slightly. Your friend has a bit of a habit of calling you two sisters... Yep. That's your life now.

Kuroha was about to say something but the teacher quickly cut him off. "WHAT IS GOING ON HER!?" She yelled, putting her hands on her hips.

Your friend glanced and pointed a finger at Kuroha. "HES TRYING TO TAKE MY PARTNER!!" She cried.

"Actually you're trying to take MY pet~." Kuroha said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Your heart sank at the teachers next words.

"Well... Guess you'll just have to work in a group of 3."

Difficult Love~ (Kuroha X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now